Chapter 3

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"This room, it's perfect."

I held little Rika in her arms whom was playing with my now tangled long hair and cooing, as Hanabusa went through each and every room trying to find the perfect room for baby Rika.

"Aido.. This is my room."

Aido looked back at me with a slight glare then looked back the large room, "I know, but it's perfect! The lighting it just right, the length is precise, perfect view of the garden, and close to Your's and Kaname's room.."

"But Kaname and I don't sleep in the same room.."

"I know."


"I kinda figured after you had said it was your room."


He paused and hestitantly asked, "Is she yours?"

My body stiffened not knowing wether or not how to respond to that, "Biologically no, but I consider her still as my daughter.."

"Hmm.. Interesting."

He turned back to the room, "Some color for the baby would be good. a light cedar wood-like wallpaper would be nice. Not too girly but fit for a little girl."

As Hanabusa went on and on about the different possibilities to decorate the room, Yuki thought to herself,

Where will I sleep?

With Kaname, of course.

No, I can't.

Why not? After all he is your future husband.

Truly speaking he is my future husband, my fiancé, and the man I truly adored.

But that's just it, she adored him. That didn't mean she loved him, right?

No. It couldn't be.. I completely knew in my heart, I did infact love him, just maybe in a different form. Or maybe it was that silver haired boy, who had stolen her heart.

She just didn't want to admit it perhaps. Or was it the fact, they could never be together?

Is that what's preventing her from knowing her true feelings to the man she's been promised to since birth?

These feelings for that broken man, whom's hatered grew more powerful towards her, the one whom she's taken care of ever since the dreadful night, has he crawled underneath her skin, intoxicated her with all those memories? Were these feelings for him, luring her farther and farther away from her secret place?

Confused of her feelings for the two men, she was lost in her thoughts before feeling as if she were being watched and looked at Aido who was giving her the death glare.

"Why does Kaname insist playing this game with you?"

"What do you mean, Hanabusa?"

"This game of yours, telling him you love him that you care. If you truly did then why you still think of that.. disgrace."

"That's enough, Aido."

I turned to the door and watched as Kaname walked towards a frightened Aido.

"Lord Kaname, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have spoke that way to lady Yuki." He bowed in apology with fright in his voice.

"Make sure it doesn't happen again."

"Yes, my lord." In a low voice then spoke a few moments after "I shall leave, Lady Yuki and yourself alone ." He turned to Yuki then gave a bow, hand over heart in a sincere voice "My deepest apologies if I happened to offend you."

Before I could respond Aido had already left the room then looked at the ground feeling guilty, he hadn't done nothing wrong. I knew deep inside even if Aido would never admit it, he cared deeply for Kaname. You could see it no matter how hard he tried to mask it, he did infact have a secret attraction towards him. Thus why he acted the way he did, he only was looking out for Kaname.

Kaname's expression softened once Aido left, he strolled towards Rika, who was excited to see him and nearly bounced out my arms just to be held by him, and I who was in deep thought, but not deep enough to not notice him.

"I'm sorry for what happened, dear.."

I blushed a little, "You have nothing to be sorry for. He had every right to speak to me that way, Kaname.. It's not fair to you. The question I think and ask myself everyday, it's unfair to you. After all you've done for me, I still think of Zero.."

He placed his arm around my waist and pulled my body towards him gently, trying not to hurt Rika in the process whom was latching onto his shirt and played with the un-done buttons, completely interested and amused by them.

He placed his forehead on mine, closed his eyes and his voice.. a heavenly voice that would silence an entire room of people.

"All I care about you now, Our baby and you. My dear, what happened in the past is the past. I knew you would never forget him, I know you still think of him. It bothers and aches my heart to the fullest but it's been numbed ever since you decided to come, and be my wife. I do get insecure every now and again, but I don't let those feelings get in the way of my true feelings for you. Especially not now when I have everything. My future wife, a family, and a life together. Be that as it may, I know your feelings for Zero will always remain, but in the end.. the fact of the matter is you chose me."

I kepted quiet, he knew?

Why didn't he ever say anything?

He loves you. He didn't want to interfere, afraid it would push you even further away from him.

Was it really?

I felt Rika being pulled out of my arms, I looked up it was Kaname. He held her head and pulled her towards him and gently kissed her soft head. She smiled and giggled, clapping her small hands together.

"You needn't have to worry about your room. I'll have Aido choose another room. So you won't have to leave the comfort of your room." He gave me a soft smile, placed his hand on my head and chuckled almost silently

"Thank you, Kaname.."
~ - - - - - - - - - - ♥ - - - - - - - - - - ~

Woo! Chapter 3 is complete!

252 reads?! In such a short amount of time?! Omg thank you so much guys! :) You guys surpassed the # of reads I've had on my first book (Now deleted) which was 164. Thank you! My next goal? 350 reads! :3

Only 98 to go, 98 more reads and in the next chapter you guys will recieve

■ Kaname POV
■ add plenty of details
■ And get this, the affair he and the mystery woman had!

So come on guys, I know you want to find out about his one-night-stand!

Picture on the side, Hanabusa's Idea for little Rika's room! Isn't cute? :)

Anyway thanks again,

Love you all my marshmallows!

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