Chapter four

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Dear Yuki,

I heard rumors amongst the hunters of Kaname and you, rumors of a baby girl currently living with you and Kaname.
Are these rumors true?

If they are I must say, I'm disappointed I didn't get to hear it from you. I much rather have found out by you telling me than gossip amongst the vampire association. I must continue my role as a father to you.. and fill-in the new role as a grand-father!

Please visit soon, I'd very much would love to meet my new grand-daughter.
Maybe over tea and a meal over at the academy? Say sometime this afternoon? We miss you at Cross Academy.. Sayori misses you aswell.

Aswell as Zero.

I love you, my dearest daughter Yuki


Kaien Cross a.k.a. your father

After reading what I had just read, I couldn't sleep. I didn't know wether to let the hatered in my body right now win and cease the existence of that vile level E or to be content.

If he does legitmately miss her then there's a greater chance of him not murdering my fiancé, but if he's to find out about Rika-san and the story to her existance he may well come after my life as well as my daughters life. But I will never allow that to happen and I know Yuki would not either.

I turned to a sleeping yuki, she looked.. Peaceful. She almost looked human rather than a ravaging beast that hides and hunts within the shadows. I carresed her hair carefully not wanting to wake her from her slumber. I stepped out of bed but just before leaving I left the note from the headmaster on her nightstand where she would wake to see it.

After I had left the room to check on my little one, Gently pushing in the door wanting to avoid the creaks of the hinges I poked my head in and saw yet another sleeping beauty. I silently chuckled at my sleeping girl then stepping in after a short moment and leaned over her personally-designed craddle. I looked down at her, she had her pacifier in her mouth latching onto her bear for dear life and breathing softly.

Absent mindlessly I reached down and slowly picked her up, wrapping her up before taking her out into the balcony looking out into the horizon.

I held her up to my chest where she placed her small head on my shoulder and silently sucked on her pacifier.

"Life can be a gift from the gods, Rika.  But in order to make it so, you must find those whom will make it worth while rather than the ones whom will try to deter you from the beauty of it and bring you down to the dark-sad world of blood alongside them. My hope is as you grow older you will make the best decisions to your ability."  I kisses her soft head "To learn from my mistakes, better life for yourself without having to go through a blood war or sacrificing the sanity of your loved ones. To make a life for you and to be happy in this ruthless world."

I held her tight but not enough to harm her and I whispered to her, "I never knew I could love someone so much.. I love you, my dearest daughter."

| A/N : //SHOT. |

My eyes openes and I shot up, trying to catch my breath.


This dream, this past-event has forever locked itself into my memory of Zero. One of many memories but somehow it was the only one that presented itself in my mind as if it were haunting me until the end of my days for leaving him at the academy after the many spoken but unkept promises of being by his side.

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