Chapter 5

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"It's nearing dark soon.. I do hope she arrives shortly." I closed my eyes, releasing a sharp sigh. It was then when her footsteps echoed in the empty room and into the empty hallways.

The worry soon faded away, she was back and safe. It brought joy to me but the way she walked with her head down, even as she walked up the staircase.. She seemed off. Had something happened?

"Your back? So late.. I hope nothing troubled you on the way back."

She stopped during mid-step.

"Uh.. Yes. No, everything was fine. Quite pleasant." she tried to assure me with her voice shaking as if she were afraid of something.

I raised a brow curious as to why she was acting so oddly.

"How was your return to the academy?"

"It was fine.."


"Did the head master say anything?"

She hesitated, "Um no, just to visit him with baby Rika every month. Atleast once, He really does adore her.. Like most people do."

She entered into Rika's room and laid the sleeping beauty into her crib. She stood infront of her craddle, watching the babe slumber. I stand behind her and wrap my arms around her waist and planted a small peck on her cheek.

"Who wouldn't love, our beloved child?"

"Right.. Well I must rest dear, I had a rather tiresome day."

That is when I should've questioned her odd behavior, but I dismayed it. Every time she had to visit the academy she would act peculiar and I foolishly, continued to ignored the uneasiness I felt within my gut. One of three things I regret most is not questioning why she did this..

It was the fifth month since Rika joined our small family. Today, is the day before we go to Rikas biological mothers will hearing. Tomorrow is the day I would be asked, If I wanted to keep my lovely little girl.

I stand infront of this bay window with my hands behind my back and watched as the sun went down. It harms my eyes but not enough to where I had to turn away. I think of my darling Rika, how much has changed over this course of time ; It's hard to believe it is. How this unexpected god-given gift, changed me as a person. How she single-handingly changed everyone around her. Ruka has become more open towards others, Yuki has aswell and has taken the nature of being a mother at hand.

Speaking of her, she enters my study. Not to visit me or keep me company, something is bother her and it's obvious to me.

"So tomorrow.."

I nodded, "Yes, I know. It's finally come, it has."

She kepted quiet for quite a while before speaking again, "Well, should we discuss it?"

Confused washed over me so I turn to her direction, "What is there to discuss? You adore her, don't you?"

She looked into my eyes, "Yes, Of course but-"

"You accept her as your own, don't you?"

She stood quietly with the uneasy aura around her getting stronger, "Yes, but.."


She looked at the ground, keeping back her tears before whispering what was possibly the most heart shattering thing that's ever came from her sweet lips, "I don't think we should keep her.."

"What do you mean?"

She swallowed hard and choked on her very own words, "I don't want her, Kaname!"

This is where a father should keep his daughter and say when it's been enough, where I should've taken my daughters side and stood by her, but I didn't.. I couldn't. I was just helpless.. After our discussion, it became apparent that we weren't going to keep her after all. The lawyer arrived shortly after Midnight, It turned out her mother was daughter of the Wakahisa family. A powerful, royal family from the north. Her mothers name was Miyako Wakahisa. She was the fairest of the north, known for her heart of gold and generosity.

She had been found guilty of murdering two humans without probable cause, rumor was she had lusted for the sweet taste of blood.

Moments passed after these news, then came the question I so dreaded.

"Lord Kaname, Will you keep this child under your care?"

Yuki had been holding my hand, I felt her grip tightened, she was waiting for my answer. As much agony as it caused me, I couldn't lose her.. Not again.

"No, Mr. Drevis. I won't be able to under new circumstances."

He raised his brow, "There is.. No turning back from this. Let me inform you, if this is your final decision you will never hear or see this child again. She will not be informed of her true father, you will become an absolute stranger to her. Lord Kaname.. Are you sure this is what you want?"

She had convinced me this was best for her, but how? Please help me understand how this was the best for her, help me see this Yuki..

"I'm sure.."

Good-bye, Rika-sama..

I love you, I hope you can forgive me for my selfishness.

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