The Affair : Part One

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"I'll never speak to you again!"

I watched her run from me, as if I was the monster. Truthfully speaking I did kill Shisuka, but to protect you yuki.

But I guess you'll never understand, everything I do is for you my dear.

Later that night, I wandered around until I eventually found myself in a forest, near a lake. The dark blue water reflected the full moon whose light touched it in return.

I sat underneath a tree, a cherry blossom tree in particular. The leaves one by one kissed the water in silent, the wind rejecting most of them but a few managed.

I closed my eyes, drifting to a light slumber until a delicate voice awoken me

The flowers, red, yellow and blue.

Pick the prettiest ones, for you.

And make the perfect crown for your head.

And now, all of the flowers are dead..

Her voice, made shudders go up my spine. Goosebumps covered my arms just by the sound of her perfect angelic voicw singing such a gruesome tune.

I opened my eyes, still dazed from the earlier nap but not enough to blur away  a young woman, around maybe the age of seventeen.

She was petite, slightly built. Her light brown hair with darkened golden hues danced with the soft, cruel wind. Her eyes were a deep blue color, the kind you would get lost in and never wanted to be found.

She wore a white corset with two short layered tutus over a longer on that lengthed to her mid thigh, with sleeves only covering from a little over half her arms, to her wrists also ruffled.

She wore a white ribbon on her neck as if it were a choker. Finally a gold pendant around her pale skin, with little sapphires around a larger sapphire stone.

I watched her from where I was sitting, she walked towards the lake. Sitting up almost immediatly, parting my lips wanting to warn her of the water but I couldn't find my voice. I watched her walk closer, closer until her bare foot touched the water.

I couldn't believe it, as she stepped onto the water, it froze underneath her foot. She left a trail that soon melted away, she still sang her song.

Vroom Vroom, what a lovely sound

This makes cutting everything that is in my way.

But father says this is not allowed,

But I guess I'll stop for you..

She finally made it across, infront of me. She paused and look into my eyes. She saw into my soul, my fears, and mind.

A small smile formed on her face, and held her hand out to me. I looked at her hand, then her. I took her hand and stood up, she looked up at me, I was maybe a foot taller than her but she gave a small giggle.

She placed her cool hand on my cheek, it felt oddly warm. Despite her beauty and knowing she was a different girl, her touch reminded me so much of Yuki. When I look at her face, I see Yuki's smile, eyes, and heard her voice.

I pulled her into my arms, placed my head on her shoulder and in a quiet, quivering voice blurted out


Before I knew it my lips were against hers.

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I shot straight up, panting and shivering. I felt my forehead, I was warm.. and sweating?

Must've caught a cold.. I looked to my side and saw Yuki laying down, soundly asleep in her night gown. I watched her for a few moments then kissed her shoulder then slowly got out of bed. I walked towards the mirror and looked at my reflection, I hated what I saw. I regret my decision those days I spent with her but without that Rika wouldn't be here with me. And Yuki and I wouldn't be this close.

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308 reads in just 3 days? Jesus! :D

Goal ; to have 300 reads

I know I said I'd update once reached 350, but I'm just so happy so here! You guys deserved it.

Rika's mom on the side.

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