The Letter (Edited 3.21.15)

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Unsealing the creamy yellow envelope, it revealed a perfectly symmetrical folded letter.

Before reading the letter I check the front of the envelope for any type of stamp or signature, for any clue as to which pureblood clan this woman originates but nothing seems to turn up.

Dry tears stained the ink, an indication that this woman was indeed crying as she wrote the letter. I scanned for keywords but clearly it was directed to Takuma, yet somehow towards me aswell.

To whom it may concern,

Forgive me for intruding onto your property and taking up your time, I'd like to give my deepest condolences to you about your grandfather. I know what happened at that academy and understand why you did what you did. If you are worried, don't be because that is not why I've come. I must ask a favor of you since you're closer to this child's father.

This sweet bundle of joy is going to be deprived of her mother for a heinous crime I've been framed of and my only wish is to give her a better life with her father, Lord Kaname Kuran.

I'm not a just another woman claiming she's carrying his child just to become his mate, no.  I am born a pureblood vampire and with all the dignity I have left I do not have any desire of interferring in his love life. But all I ask is that you notify him about his newly born daughter, he won't find record of her due to just being three days old. Please see that he makes her the happiest little girl and give her a loving home.

I bid my farewells and wish all the happiness to my baby, whom I unfortunately can no longer be apart of her life. If you decide to complete my final wish, thank you.

The blood that courses through my veins ran cold when I read the sentence, With her father, Lord Kaname.

I looked up to Takuma in which he spoke,

"We're going to go see her, If you'd like of course."

My mind couldn't comprehend anything at this point, what will I tell Yuki? In this moment, I was suffocating on stressed and anxiety, I hadn't realize there was another letter.

It was directed to me.

Dear Kaname,

I will not tell you who I am, It will not make much of a difference due to my execution and I've accepted my fate. But I will tell you, This is your blood daughter.  My family doesn't know of her or knew about my pregnancy. You're the last and only one she has left, however if you refuse to take her in there is some light in this.

In six months after my death, you will be summoned to an attorneys office with our little baby and your mate (completely optional) to hear my will. If it causes trouble with your mate or you simply dis own our creation, a family member of mine will be notified of her existence and will be able to take her in. How ever, If you grow an attachment to her and wish to keep her I have one last request. Along with riches and jewelry I left her, I ask that if she addresses Lady Yuki as her mother, do everything in your power to avoid the subject of about me. Prevent her from knowing the truth, I want her to live her life with you as her father and Lady Yuki as her mother. To give her a wonderful life the one I could never give her

Thank you,

For taking care of the most precious thing in the world for me.

I place the letter down next to me thinking long and hard, was I going to allow this so called child of mine into my life?

I closed my eyes and spoke absent mindlessly,

"Turn around. I have no desire to be involved in this woman's and her child's life, even with her claims."

Takuma's eyes widened,

"Are you sure? I would've thought you would at the very least investigate first."

"No. I've made up my mind, have Ruka or someone take care of  little baby in the underground mansion of the Hanabusa family until this is all resolved."

Takuma hesitated but soon after nodded respected my wishes, The car made a U turn and headed back to the Kuran manor where Yuki waited by the stairs, excited and eager.

As soon as I got out the car she ran to me and hugged me, This was the closest we've gotten to eachother ever since we left Cross Academy. I wrapped an arm around her waist, kissed the top of her head and smiled.

"I hope you enjoyed yourself today in town even with my absence."

"It's okay! But I want you to taste this delicious curry I had today!" she smiled and pulled me through the doors

We entered the manor and I asked her to be patient I just had to close the doors, just as I was about to close the french doors I saw Takuma by the car door holding it for Ruka then looked at my direction, in my eyes and shot a cold stare. I closed the door diverting my attention to my soon-to-be wife, Yuki.




A few weeks have gone by now, I've been comfortable and happy with Yuki but behind the closed doors of the study room everything was the complete opposite. Takuma has been coming twice a week to persuade me to atleast see the little baby girl but even with all the plea's I refused. I couldn't risk my relationship with Yuki now that it's been stonger than ever.

Until I had enough, once I finally agreed Takuma fetched a car and I stayed in the study with my face buried within my hands.

What was I to do if this child was actually biologically mine? What could I possibly tell Yuki?

Wait, what am I thinking? There's no possible way it could be mine. I've never been unfaithful to Yuki even before she realized the truth, maybe the occasional feeding off other females but that's as far as it got.

But then again when a vampire consumes blood it's like alochol to a mere human, it intoxicates you. The reality that you once knew no longer exists for a small period of time. You don't know right from wrong, you believe nothing bad could possibly happen.

The taste is indescribable, just one drop makes the feeling of literal power surging through out the body. The source of this power is the human soul which manifests power properties into blood, the soul sails through the blood, and is psychically detected once ingested.

The scent of the thick crimson liquid, attracts me like a bee is to the nectar of a flower.

I placed my left index finger over my lips then softly bit it, but enough to accidentally prick my finger.

I watched as a crimson river pooled down,  it didnt last long due to quick healing ability.

Takuma knocked before entering and gave me a nod,

"The car is ready for you, Kaname."

I slowly got up and walked out the door with him alongside of  me.

I was about to meet the little girl, who was soon to be my vampire princess.

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