His Princess, Rika

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"Right this way, Kaname." Takuma extended his arm through the narrow hallway, we were in the underground mansion of the aristocratic Aido family.

Kind of them it was to allow to use their mansion under such circumstances and short-notice.

The walls were made of stone, it felt damp and cold from the droplets of water seeping from the moss stained ceiling.

As we reached the main room, memories began to flow back to me from the vampire ball that was more than just a few months ago.

I distinctly remember as if it were yesterday, vampires dancing, mingling, and talking amongst eachother. I watched them from the balcony but concentrated mainly on the couples dancing, but I couldn't see them as them but rather as Yuki and I.

I recall walking to the very same floor and all of a sudden, everything stopped and everyone bowed to me. You'd think I'd be used to it by now  but honestly it bothered me some.


I must've stopped listening to takuma and got lost in my own thoughts, I turned to him and gave him a small nod then proceeded towards the stairs

The curtained door was the same aswell as the narrow hall way. I would've expected it to be the same as it before when the incident with Yuki, the same colored and decorated room but when Takuma opened the door and I seemd unfazed but inside my mind I was surprised at the renovated room.

The walls were re-painted to a soft white and small toys were placed gently on the shelf above a white bureau, to it's left was a little carousel that twinkled a charming little tune, a few feet away was a frilly changing station, across from the golden colored metal framed crib. Above it was vintage clock on the wall and below it were the in-scripted words ;

Sweet dreams, Rika.

Curious as to the baby who they named Rika, I walked towards the crib expecting to see the baby. But once I looked inside there was nothing to see  but a snowy white teddy bear with a red ribbon tied around it's neck and her name sewed into the right paw.

"Takuma? Who's this childs care-taker?"

"I do believe it's Ruka who volunteered."

Now this was interesting, I was eager to meet the little one who's now won the heart of Ruka, who has out-done herself just for this little girl.

I turned to Takuma sincerely asking,

"Where is she?"

His lips parted to speak but just then Ruka walked in holding little rika who was smiling and giggling at her as Ruka stroking Rika's soft rosy cheeks, soothing and cooing at her.

Mesmorized by the young one, She had yet to notice the presence of Takuma and I.

She ran into me barely moving me but she immediatly shielded Rika with the comfort and safety of her arms, as if it were a hard shove, getting in a defense fighting position until her eyes met mine.

A split second ago she looked as if  she could kill but recognizing my eyes she looked at me with a blushed face, embarrasment and anxiety in her eyes slowly recollecting herself.

Her body was close to mine, barely placing distance between us ; the only thing keeping us away was this cooing creature.

I felt the mixed feelings inside her. She was surprised but then nervous to see me. I could right through her, she fears of the leave of little Rika, who's she's been mothering since day 1 of her unexpected arrival.

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