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Delicate, small, fingers tapped against the soft ceramic glass of a coffee cup, untouched contents waving inside slightly with ripples most would find calming. Hazel eyes, darkened and scarred, watched as people smiled and spoke to one another.

The Witch's head tilted slightly, making her hair stick uncomfortably down into the collar of her red leather jacket and into the crease of her neck. A small boy's voice dragged her attention across the room as she watched him drum his hands along the table beside his sister. It echoed in her ears as she tried to look away.

A baby began to cry, the child wouldn't stop drumming, the couple at the bar spoke too loudly, the list could go on as she scanned their thoughts. Normal people out for a meal as her own world was barely being held together. Her hand came up to cover one ear as it began to ring loudly, making her clench her hair in her fist. Strands of red tangled around her fingers and snapped as other parts frayed, adding to the mess of hair she had failed to upkeep. It was the last thing on her mind as ringing grew into a never ending siren of screams she knew too well and her hand slammed into the table, sending a red wisp out to each person with the precision of a predator searching for its prey. Her eyes snapped open as she watched the now silent, motionless room. Something in her felt a sick sense of relief. She was in complete control and no one could take it from her.

-- The University -

"No doubt the recent events with Ultron on the news have been disheartening. Especially in Sokovia with the mass casualties caused by, well, let's not point fingers to one specific person. But Ultron had more to do with it than the media might have led you to believe." A smooth British voice spoke out to a massive crowd of students gathered in the halls of the University.

"But there are things in motion now that require all of you to stay here for a while." This statement garnered a few groans to which Charles replied:

"I understand how eager you all are to get involved and help. It's admirable. And I've taught you well. But I have also taught you all to preserve yourselves when necessary. I promise you all I will tell you soon. But there is somebody who can help. Unfortunately, it's the help, not the threat, that requires you to stay put." Charles concluded, giving just enough information to those that needed it to come to the same conclusion as to who this mystery helper was.

As the students returned to bed, a woman with a white streak in her hair approached Charles and spoke wearily.

"You're calling Adam...aren't you?" Anna-Marie (Rogue) asked, slipping gloves onto both of her hands before rubbing the rest of the sleep out of her eyes.

A simple nod from Charles answered her question, which got Charles a scoff instead.

"And you're telling all of us to stay here because of what exactly? You know he won't hurt us, Charles. I know he wouldn't."

"It's Wanda, Rogue. Something is incredibly fractured inside her mind at the moment. People are after her. Specifically, The Avengers themselves. There have been quite a few deaths now attributed to her. They were accidental. But there were many." He spoke grimly.

"Her own team isn't planning on dealing with this gently. Ironically, Adam is the only one I believe able to be gentle enough towards Wanda in a way that makes her trust him. He would never hurt her." Charles concluded with Rogue before quickly blurting out:

"Yes. You can go do damage control if necessary. No, I didn't need to go inside your head to know that. You were one of his favorite students, after all. I'll communicate to you the finer details when I know the rest of them. I'm heading to cerebro. Go back to your room and leave through the window when I tell you. I don't want a panic starting nor anybody getting jealous that you get to leave."

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