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It truly didn't take long for Anna-Marie to reach her destination on foot, as the University wasn't far from the diner Adam and Wanda had both been present at mere minutes ago. When she arrived, she found an entire diner full of normal looking citizens just enjoying their dinner.

Although a waitress walked up to her and asked if she could be helped, Anna's audial focus was on a child complaining loudly about their missing teddy bear.

"Ma'am? Is there something I can help you with?" The waitress asked again in a kind tone.

Anna blinked and quickly returned her focus to the woman before her.

"I'm so sorry 'bout that. I blanked out. But yes there is. I had two friends come in here roughly ten minutes ago and I was wondering if you had seen them. A rather large guy and a ginger girl with crazy eyes. Have ya seen 'em?"

"I haven't, no. Everyone here has been here for much longer than ten minutes. Nobody of the sort has been here. I'm sorry, sug. Maybe they gave you the wrong address?" The waitress suggested as she fumbled with the hem of her apron.

"It's more than likely that.." Anna spoke, feigning disappointment.

"I'm pretty heartbroken at the lies I was told." She frowned and looked back to the door with a sigh.

"Well... here's some truth for you. I get off at eleven tonight." The waitresses's voice raised in pitch a bit as she went on, gigging after she finished.

"Unfortunately, darling, I have some truth, too. The risk ain't worth the reward." Anna rebuked before winking at the woman, leaving just as quickly as she had entered.

Back at the University hours later, Anna sat in his study with Charles as he continued to stare down at the courtyard through his window.

"I know now that Adam and Wanda have discovered much more than we assumed they could remember... they're getting closer. This was a potential outcome... and you know what happened last time, Rogue. This was the only outcome I feared..." The silence following his words was disheartening. It showed a storm brewing beneath his calm exterior.

"Charles, if The Beast gets out again, there are going to be a lot of dead people... or if Wanda snaps. I care for the two, but I don't think I can get to Adam now. You know as well as I do, he won't be found if he doesn't wanna be. Maybe we can still help Wanda." She replied fearfully at first, eyes wide with shock. But soon her tone turned to that of concern for the woman she hoped wasn't currently stewing inside her own mind without Adam. She didn't know that Adam and Wanda weren't together as she hadn't seen them depart from the diner. But, truly, she knew.

"I think you may be right. Anna, follow me, if you will." Charles spoke quickly as he began traversing down to cerebro.

When they reached the large room, he leaned forwards and placed a cap upon his head connected to diodes and wires that all came together leading into a panel directly in front of him.

"Anna, would you mind pressing that button please?" He nodded to a green square located on the panel.

She did as she was asked and pressed it gently. The room around her suddenly shifted to show all the people Charles could see. It soon focused on a single mutant in New Jersey and the strangest part was the absence of anybody within several miles of her.

"Charles.... You don't think she..." Anna began, but was cut off by Charles.

"I do believe so, yes. But I won't go probing. Not in her mind. Not now. But I think..." Charles paused as he took the helmet off, canceling the world around them as it shifted back to a silver sphere room.

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