Everything I Run From

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Wanda curled in on herself as she subconsciously felt the lack of her personal furnace. Her mind remained with him even until she felt something shift in his mind. Her eyebrows pinched as she pushed her head into the pillow, as if experiencing a bad dream. She pushed further than his feelings, wanting to know what was bothering him so deeply until she saw it.

Wanda had never shot up faster in her life. With a mix of worry and dread, she stood to get dressed before growling to herself deeply in frustration as she remembered what had happened to them. Her eyes landed a button up laid over a chair in the corner and she quickly slipped it on before snagging a pair of his boxers. As she worked her way out of the cabin, she buttoned a few buttons on the shirt. She pulled open the front door, her eyes trained on the distance to find Adam and see him, and see him she did.

In the minutes before she came outside, Adam had already begun his bout with the Beast. Although it only started as talking at first if the shouting was anything to go by.

"Now that you're here." Adam began, finally standing face to face with the literal representation of his demons.

"I have a few things to say to you." Adam began with a stern look on his face. "More than a few. Actually. I don't even know where to begin with you. You didn't let me die every time I wished I could've. And for WHAT?!" The last word came out in a scream that barely showed the anger brewing beneath Adam's half stoic facade.

"For you to just take that life away again after every single time you show your ugly face?" He questioned, hoping for some sort of answer to his pleading.

"You are everything I despise." Adam dropped his tone as he slowly began circling the Beast, his nose flared.

"Everything I ran from for my entire life. You were the reason I couldn't process my pain properly. The fear of you....has led me to give up more than you could possibly imagine." Adam continued, his sneer getting much more pronounced.

"And you think you can just come back into my life one last time? Why? Just to sit here and stare at me? To stalk us and make sure we don't leave this forest? WHY?!" The last word was screamed directly into the Beast's face, some spit flying in separate directions.

The reply from the monster's mouth wasn't something Adam ever imagined possible. He didn't think that this thing would actually answer his question. But it did with a frightening growl mixed with a low bass to create a voice unlike any other.

"Her..." The croak caused Adam's eyes to widen as he stared back to the cabin, seeing Wanda begin to exit onto the front porch.

No reply came from his mouth as Adam whirled around and sprang upon the Beast like a bear trap. His furious screams intensified as he wrapped his legs around the beast and drove his six knuckle claws directly down into the Beast's neck. This only served to piss the creature off as it pivoted, throwing Adam off of his midsection into a large tree that splintered and cracked with the force of the man hitting it. Baring a crude snarl on its face, it began walking towards the cabin with intent.

After rolling into the dirt for several yards, Adam finally skidded to a stop and clambered to his hands and knees. His breath came out in short bursts as all ten of his claws sprang out and buried themselves into the soft dirt. With the same deafening battle cry as before, Adam began charging toward the Beast like a full grown bull. The force of him colliding with the Beast sent them through two more oaks standing tall before the two writhing animals knocked them down.

As the Beast struggled to regain its footing, Adam employed the same tactic as the Beast had done before, curling his body around the beast and using six claws embedded in his chest as leverage to slash away at the Beast's legs and stomach.

A roar similar to a lion's erupted from the Beast's throat as it turned and grabbed Adam forcefully by the neck, not caring if the claws in him tore more flesh with the turn.

The Beast held Adam's throat tight in its hand as it began running faster and faster and faster. Eventually, Adam found himself with arms and legs folded over the Beast's arm in an attempt to release his hold as his oxygen supply had been cut off for far too long.

But the grip only grew tighter as the Beast held Adam out in front of him, letting the man's body collide with tree after tree after tree.

If you were watching this fight from the outside, the true fear presented itself in just how similar the two animals looked as they fought tooth and nail to outdo the other.

Adam had just barely felt his last bit of consciousness out before he found himself gaining much more focus and able to breathe. It wasn't until he opened his eyes again that he realized he had his back to the same boulder he had leapt from previously.

The Beast still held his throat but the grip wasn't near as tight as before. Before he could attack again, Adam dropped down, free of the Beast's grasp. He drove his claws into the femoral arteries of the Beast but it did no discernable damage as the animal let out an annoyed grunt before plunging his claws down into Adam's shoulders. Using his grip, The beast lifted Adam, who cried out in pain and gripped the Beast's forearms to lessen the weight on the claws in his shoulders.

Adam struggled through the pain to speak, but his last words served as a defiance to the control the Beast had over his life.

"Get fu-"


Adam's body collided with the ground once, which knocked the air out of him.


A second slam to knock him unconscious.


The head of Adam rolled off of the rocky precipice causing the monster to pound its chest with claws out and release a guttural roar into the frosty night air, breath fogging as it did so. With its main target dead, the Beast only had Wanda to contend with now.

Wanda choked on a scream as her body became filled with lead, making it impossible to move as she leaned into the railing for support. Her eyes clenched shut as tears filled them. It only took mere moments for her to snap into action. She had to get to him, no matter the cost.

Without a second thought her eyes opened with a color as red as the power she used to fly over to Adam. She landed roughly on her knees, skinning them open in the process. Her hands met his chest before she looked up to where his head was. She choked on a sob as her forehead met his chest, her hands clinging to him.

Her eyes looked up quickly to the Beast, the sight of him making her physically ill. Her eyes dimmed as she stared up at him, her sobs and pleas making him simply tilt his head, and analyze her. Wanda didn't have anything left to beg for. Something about Adam's decapitation broke something inside her. Any single idea she felt she had of her innocence was gone.

Do it!!!!

Kill me!!!!

Finish what you started, you Bastard!!!!



I myself have read this scene so many times over and it hurts every time...

Sorry I haven't been updating. Life gets stressful every now and then. I'll get better.

- 01/10/2022

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