Bacon and Chocolate Milk

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Wanda had woken as the male left the bed, but didn't open her eyes as she kept her breathing even. After he successfully made it off the bed and disappeared into another part of the cabin, she pulled the blankets around her tighter and cracked an eye to sleepily look around the room. She listened to Adam in the kitchen, her eyes closing again until she heard the soft clatter of glass. Her eyes reopened to lock onto Adam, or moreso, his lack of clothes.

For a moment, her eyes remained on him before she caught herself with a cough and sat up. Her hand ran through her hair as she readjusted the pillows to sit up better on the bed. She looked over to the tray and smiled, shaking her head.

"Bacon and chocolate milk?" She questioned as she stretched carefully, her arms reaching above her head causing her shirt to shift and show her stomach. She honestly found herself confused about everything including him, but realized how much she wanted it to one day be normal for her, and for him.

Adam watched with intent as she questioned his dietary choices followed by a stretch that he couldn't help but look away from, blowing smoke out in a large cloud to obscure the red on his face.

"I can share if you want." His voice was deep as smoke still came out while he spoke. "I'm not quite sure-" Adam held up a finger and began coughing rather dryly, the smoke starting to finally get to him.

For the first time, the quiet inside of his mind allowed him to feel the full effect of the high. His head wasn't cloudy, rather slowed down enough to genuinely enjoy the thoughts as they made their way in and out.

As he straightened up and wiped his chin of drool, Adam took a deep breath out and spoke again. "I'm not sure you'll even want some. I'm not even sure why I made it. It's just something I'm used to cooking and eating when I'm upset. And yesterday was pretty fucking rough to say the least. I believe..."

Adam took another hit of the joint before holding it out to Wanda. "I think we need a day to ourselves. A day off that we can both appreciate and spend...together." Adam spoke softly, the side of his lip falling in a half frown when he blew smoke from it.

"I've missed you..." He spoke aloud as he used his free hand to shove a piece of bacon into his mouth.

"I hope you stay patient with yourself, Wanda. One day at a time. That's all we can do. One foot after the other." He spoke the senseless idioms with food in his mouth before gesturing to the joint in his hand once again.

Wanda glanced between him and the joint before grabbing it and sitting up straighter, her legs crossing in front of her. She placed it between her lips and inhaled the chemical deeply into her lungs, her eyes closing as the action of holding the smoke in her lungs became her only priority for a moment.

After what felt like forever, she blew it out in a cloud of smoke which she now found herself lost in as she hit the joint a second time. As she held it in, she looked back at Adam, holding the joint out to him between her fingers with a slight blush on her face. She let the smoke out through her nose as she hid her smile with her hand, thinking of a memory of her brother.

"I remember me and Pietro, we tried this once after our experiments when we had the chance to go into the city. We sat on a roof and spoke for hours." she mused softly, calmer now than she could ever remember. She took in the smell of bacon and smiled even more. "Put it on the bed, I can't reach." She spoke softly, fidgeting with her fingers where she sat.

Adam looked over to the woman, his jaw hanging half open before continuing to chew slowly.

"You have magic, you know." He spoke with a sarcastic smile as he brought the plate from behind him and set it on the bed.

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