Feeling Nostalgic?

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"Ooh! I know someone close to here that can help. He should still be in school." She exclaimed as she surveyed her surroundings which appeared to be that of a playground across the street from a large school complex.

"Help?" Adam questioned as Laura set Isabella on the ground.

"Yes Adam, ayuda. If we're going up against la bestia, we'll need all the help we can get." She affirmed before taking her phone out of her pocket. Her thumb rapidly tapped away at her screen for several minutes before she stuffed her phone back into her pocket.

"He'll be out in a minute." Laura assured Adam as Isabella stomped one of her tiny feet.

"Who else is coming? I wanna see mommy already!" She pouted as Laura lifted her once again and mocked the tiny pout.

"Relax, mi hija, it's just your uncle Pee." She told the little girl as Adam raised an eyebrow.

"You let my daughter around a dude I didn't know enough for him to be her uncle?" He questioned as a shout attracted his attention.

As it turned out, uncle Pee wasn't some stranger to Adam, rather he turned out to be Peter Parker, a student of Midtown High that Laura had been seriously talking with for several months up to the point of her untimely death at the hands of the Beast while she slept peacefully in her dorm.

"It's been months of radio silence. And I get a text saying that you...need...help..." Peter's voice trailed as he looked around to the people accompanying Laura with shock plastered all over his face.

"You...you're the fast dude I saw on TV!...And you..." He looked to Adam, aware of everything the news had said about him. But he was also aware of the talks he and Laura had shared about her brother and just how ungodly messed up his life was.

"It's honestly an honor to meet you..." Peter stuck his hand out formally introducing himself now that he wasn't in costume this time.

"My name is Spider Parker... I mean Peter Man...shit..." Peter sighed heavily as he slapped a palm to his face.

"Relaaaax, Pete." Adam spoke as he watched his daughter practically vibrate out of Laura's arms and dash over to Peter.

"Daddy says you're not supposed to say those words that he says." She spoke as if she had just cracked a mystery case wide open with her hands on her hips.

At this, Peter chuckled and picked her up, holding her in a hug as he looked to Laura.

"So....help after months of silence?" She spoke to him, waiting for him to continue his train of thought before she inevitably explained it to him.

"Oh yeah! I haven't heard from you in like three months and then I get an urgent text with an SOS saying to meet you out front. I saw your family here and just kind of assumed you were still feeling si-"

Laura hissed and ran a hand across her throat, signaling Peter to shut up as she spoke in his mind.

"Not here, Pete. Adam doesn't know yet." At this, Peter nodded and cleared his throat.

"What did you need help with?" Peter held Isabella's head on his shoulder as she began to grow tired from the anticipation of seeing Wanda again.

"The Beast is out. And I've already lost once. We've all lost already. Peter, we were dead once. That's why Laura didn't text back. Not because she's pregnant." Adam concluded, getting a red faced huff from Peter and a dumbfounded look from Laura.

"Can you stay out of my head?" She demanded.

"Hun you made it pretty obvious..." Anna began to speak but was cut off by Laura replying curtly.

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