Bloody Cabin

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After some time for recovery, Wanda attempted to sit up by planting her hands on either side of his body and pushing up. It failed, making her rest his head on his chest.

"It's cold." She mumbled softly as her own giggling began to take over. "And we broke the bed." She placed her arm across his chest and placed her chin on it to look up at him. "And I don't know where the food ended up..." She finished softly, her eyes playfully looking at him. Red wisps appeared and began tangling around her fingers as she used her gift to bring the ashtray and lighter onto the bed. Once it settled, she picked up one of the joints and slightly held it out to him as if to silently ask if he wanted it.

Adam laughed dryly along with her and nodded as Wanda held the joint to his lips. He held it between them and half expected her to grab the lighter, instead, with a wave of her fingers the end lit up. Adam inhaled deeply, the smoke filling his lungs as his arms shifted to wrap around her. Wanda hummed, happy in his arms for the moment. She eventually took it from his lips, enjoying it herself. It wasn't long until it was gone, along with Wanda's consciousness as the female enjoyed Adam's warmth which she was oh so ready to steal during her slumber.

In response to Wanda saying she was cold, Adam outstretched his arm and pulled a comforter over himself as well as her.

"I'm one hundred percent sure the bacon is under my back." Adam chuckled as Wanda brought the ashtray and joints back over to them.

The silence after his laugh was spent passing the joint back and forth for several minutes until they eventually went through it as well as another.

As Adam lay on the bed with his body vibrating due to the high, he looked down at Wanda. He couldn't help but stare at the afternoon sun shining in her hair, reflecting the red that symbolized his life in more ways than he could list. It's the color that stains his hands, his mind, his love, his friends. The path he walked was simply bathed in crimson.

But the one red he truly didn't know he needed was a shade of scarlet named Wanda. A woman with a heart of steel, a mind slowly trying to mend itself, and potential aplenty. The realness of the situation hit Adam as he closed his eyes once again, seeing nothing but the red of the sunlight on his eyelids. No harsh memories. No happy ones either. Perhaps it was the high, perhaps it was the woman laid beside him. Either way, Adam only held tighter to the peace he found in this little cabin miles from anywhere.

Eventually, the red behind his eyelids began to warp and shift into images of a day spent wandering around the forest on the day before Charles had originally contacted him to get Anna from her house and take her to the University.


Shirtless, bloody, and heaving out small body parts was how Adam Howlett came to his senses in the middle of an equally bloody cabin. There were no bodies, but it was clear something had wrecked the place.

The headache pounding through his forehead and ears told Adam everything he needed to know. The fire in his bones began as they now adjusted to the change in mass that occurred in the regression of the Beast to Adam. His eyes darted around the room with fear and curiosity. How did he get here? Why? in the hell was he here?

He smacked his dry lips and let out a horse groan as he tested his voice. The fire in his throat told Adam it would be a while before he spoke fully. After all, the Beast never failed to rip things apart and eat them with reckless abandon.

Adam scrunched his face in pain as the headache began growing worse and worse, pounding like a deep bass from his heart to his head. Tears fell, using up what little moisture he had left after expending so much energy in the transformation and activities as the Beast. A silent scream sat upon his face as he eventually fell over onto the bloody floor, face sticking almost immediately. He had no other option but to lay and physically wince with each pulse of his heart sending a fresh wave of strangling hell through his face. After only two minutes of this torture, he slipped into a deep sleep still somehow aware of the pain in his mind.

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