Heaven Has a Receptionist

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------In the Interim of time as Wanda Recovers-----

The room Adam found himself in after a simple flash of white was rather plain, normal even. Confusion plastered his face as he looked up to see a bald young man with an open book splayed open in his palm.

"Heaven... has a receptionist?" Adam asked, his question garnering a laugh from the young man.

"This certainly isn't heaven, Adam.. and that quick wit is a powerful weapon." The man spoke as he closed the book in his hand.

"Some say it's better than my actual weapons." Adam retorted with a quickness, getting another laugh in response.

"Of course it is! I'd know. I wrote it." The words fell plainly into Adam's ears, who then tilted his head with confusion.

"Excuse me? You did what now?" Adam questioned back, making sure he wasn't being fooled by Charles or anybody similar.

"I. Wrote. You." The man spoke with authority, tossing the previously open book into his lap.

Most people would feel existential dread at the revelation of their entire lives being a story dictated by an unseen force. But as Adam flipped through the literal pages of his life, he only grew more interested.

"I mean....it makes sense given all the senseless tragic bullshit I've been through. But it has to be said..." Adam took a deep breath, looking to the man who now removed his glasses and held them out to Adam.

"I'm just a story to you?" The question carried a hopelessness that clearly made the other man uncomfortable in his seat. He stood quickly after shifting for a few seconds and walked over to Adam, standing in front to the man. He held the glasses out again and Adam accepted them, listening to his reply as he did.

"No. You're much more than that, Adam. You're the first. You're the story. You are the only one I care to write." Adam cut the man off before he could finish by raising the glasses up.

"That's flattering but why do I need these?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well you'll be teaching again soon. I think you'd want to be prepared." The matter-of-fact response angered Adam slightly as he narrowed his eyes.

"Is this some sort of sick joke?" He asked quickly, realizing the ridiculousness of the situation.

"On the contrary, Adam. This is your truth. Nobody else's." The voice of the man seemed to resolve Adam's anger, if only for a moment.

"So the Beast...that was you, too? My daughter was murdered. It was all you?" Adam asked through his suspicious gaze.

"If you want to put it that way, I see no problem with it. But don't think for a moment I didn't let you make your own decisions. As I said before, you're the first, the only, and the best. Why do you think I named you Adam?" As the voice concluded, Adam heard three knocks ring out on a large wooden door behind the chair he sat in.

"Just a minute!" The man shouted to the people beyond the door.

In his growing confusion, Adam perked his ear and listened to the voice beyond the door. No...the voices. There was definitely more than one person back there.

"What even is this, man?" Adam asked, desperate for the confusion to stop. He just wanted answers for the situation he found himself trapped in.

"Get up and open the door." The command sent a nerve of Adam's into overdrive as he sneered.

"Why? Why should I listen to what you say?"

"Oh for fucks sake. If I was going to do it for you, I would've done it. I would've written a stupid cliché where you get the girl and live happily ever after and had a multitude of children. NO. I'm not giving you that horseshit, Adam. You deserve better." The man spoke loudly, quickly, and with clear irritation in his voice.

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