Chapter 7: Coral, and the temple of goo (past chapter)

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This chapter of the story takes place in the past of the au, I will make other chapters in the past. This chapter takes place on celstar my planet where characters like mk and others originally lived.

"'Meet me at the town clock at 11 o'clock,' that was the plan."

In the town of Leobloom, it was a bright, sunny morning, and the people of the town were out and about, walking along the dull red pavement, visiting the local shops, the almost silence was broken by the rushing paws of Coral, a pink vaporeon who was a mostly loved by the other people of Leobloom.

The bright pink vaporeon was running so fast she was having difficulty to stop herself from crashing, but she ended up doing so, straight into a flowerbed, that just so happened to belong to Sally Hybrid, who ran the local flower shop she'd just ended up in the flowerbeds of, though Sally wasn't exactly the nicest person. Sally was the mother of Floral and aunt of Crystal. Coral knew about just how horrid of a person Sally was, so she began trying to get up and out of the flowerbed before Sally had the chance to see her.

Once she arrived at the clock once again, she began to look around, after a few minutes if looking everywhere, she knew that her best friend Mellow, a shiny mew who was Japanese, wasn't there. (Mellow is based on a shiny Japanese mew I own on Pokémon sword)
Coral knew that mellow was a bit of a antisocial person and struggles in public, which she couldn't blame her for since Mellow only spoke Japanese, Coral decided to go into the forest to find Mellow's tree house since that's where she normally can be found.

Coral began to head north of town towards the forest, coral never was a fan of walking in the forest it had always been full of roots and prickly plants to rip you up and cut you, but she always prioritised mellow before anything else, so she began to walk through the woods.

Coral had been through the woods many times but the walk was never easier and she never knew when to look for roots and vines, she often had plasters from walking in the woods, she would tend to rip her dresses as well.

Coral began to speed walk wanting to get there faster, she took a few vines to the face but was fine apart from a little scratch, but since she began looking for more vines she stumbled to the ground as she tripped over a root, cursing as she did so, falling to the ground.

She sat up and examined her legs, her left lower leg had a huge cut all the way across it, Coral didn't really care and decided to patch it up later, right now she had to find mellow. After a little stumbling and staggering coral reached the ladder of the treehouse, leaving a small trail of blood behind her. She began to climb up the ladder swiftly nearly falling off multiple times.

Upon reaching the top of the ladder Coral began looking around, she could see Mellow's small, pastel themed bed with her soft toy collection on the one side of it, her white book case with all her favourite Japanese myths, legends and fairy tales on it. Her little armchair and her little stool and table on the balcony, but Mellow was nowhere to be found.

Coral wasn't paying close attention to things until she saw a little white piece of paper on the table with writing and black splodges on it, upon closer inspection it was a note in Japanese Mellow write herself, coral couldn't see all the writing but based on what she could see, she assumed it was a note to check to see if they had her favourite chocolate back in stock yet.

But that didn't matter, once Coral went to pick the note up in case there's anything small or on the back of the paper, but as soon as she touched the splodges, she realised what they were.. black goo. Coral realised where Mellow was and that she was in deep deep trouble and she probably wasn't even still be alive.

Pop "Hello there coral, what seems to be the matter, have you seen Mellow at all?" Coral was intropued by the curious voice of Fomey, a good friend of hers, who had appeared on the balcony out of thin air. She was wearing one of her pastel goth outfits and chewing and blowing a blue piece of bubblegum.

"Oh! Hey fomey, well I was here looking for Mellow but I can't find her anywhere, such a shame we had a whole day planned out and stuff. How have you been since Melvin left to fight Nightmare's army with the others? Or Meta Knight as he's now know as.." Coral had told Fomey with a look of worry, before adding to on a question.

"Oh, well we can talk later I have things to do and you have a friend to find, I'll see you later." Fomey then teleported away. Coral then went down the ladder once again, nearly falling down it.

Coral had began to run back through the forest and into town heading to the far south west of town, to the old and broken temple. It was full of goo, and had been known for having people going missing there. Coral looked at it top to bottom, it was very tall and very intimidating to her, she walked to turn back and head home but knew Mellow needed help and as soon as possible.

She slowly and reluctantly entered the building. Small bits of marble just a little bigger then dust would rain down from the ceiling every so often, the walls were covered in cracks that were oozing with black goo that was dripping down the walls into puddles was black as the scales of the god of evil, if only she remembered his name.

Coral went through a few different rooms, all looking very similar in condition, apart from one looking like it might have the crushed remains of bones in the corner. Then Coral stopped in her tracks in shock.. "Eevlin?"

The figure of Eevlin who was in a state where half her body was just goo, turned around to face the voice, she had a very big teethy grin wide across her face, she was missing her eyes as her grin took up her entire face.

"Oohhh, why hello Coral, my good.. friend...why would you be looking for you little friend Mellow? Well sorry to tell you but you are already too late to save your little friend, she's already been taken care of by the goo, and if you don't don't leave right now, you'll meet the same fate as her and Inky-" Eevlin was mocking Coral, she was giggling and laughing as she told her this. Before being stopped, as Coral sent her across the room with a powerful water gun. (Pokémon move)

Eevlin took a moment to take in what just happened, but once she finished taking it in she began laughing hysterically, turning into a fully goo state.

As Coral realised that she was being absorbed by the goo that was covering her slowly from toe to head she was unable to move and after being fully covered by the goo she was liquefied by the goo and was gone, never to be seen again. Missing like the others, another victim of Eevlin.

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