Chapter 43: SCP-4357-J "Cooperative Demon"

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Here we see a demonic SCP dubbed SCP-4357-J trying to break out of his containment.

Here we see a demonic SCP dubbed SCP-4357-J trying to break out of his containment

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SCP-4357-J: "Dang it!"

SCP-4357-J then tries punching the glass as we see Leshawna and Lindsay watching him struggle to get out.

Leshawna: "With those skinny arms you can't punch your way out of a paper bag."

SCP-4357-J: "You think these wings are for show? I can get out anytime I want."

Lindsay: "Then why are you still in your cage?"

SCP-4357-J: "Wait what?"*Looks to see he's still in his cage* "Dang it!"

Leshawna: "You're stuck and you know it."

SCP-4357-J: "You don't even have holy water to keep me in here."

Leshawna: "You're right, thanks for the tip."

SCP-4357-J: "Wait no I was lying!"

Leshawna: "Sorry pal, you ain't leaving."

We then see Izzy pop up from behind Leshawna.

Izzy: "Hey guys!"

Leshawna: "Ah!"*to Izzy*"The hell you come from?"

Izzy: "Oh ever since we became a top secret friend group working for a top secret organization, I became a full time MTF Soldier."

Lindsay: "Which one are you in?"

Izzy: "They said I'm so good at everything that they put me in teams that handle extreme dangers."*pulls out a picture*"I rode on the back of a giant eel to get some Y-909, it's the stuff that makes the amnestics."

Lindsay: " Amne-what?"

(Y/N): *comes in*"Amnestics are chemicals made to erase the memories of anyone who witnesses any anomalous activities or entities."

Izzy: "Yeah it's way better than killing people."

(Y/N): "The foundation used to do that after they found out erasing a person's memory of seeing an anomaly was a better method than killing and disposing of the body which was really messy."

We see Izzy opening the door to the cell as we see SCP-4357-J burst out of the cell.

SCP-4357-J: "I have escaped, and the day of reckoning is upon you!"

Izzy: "You didn't escape, I just opened the door."

(Y/N): "And we were about to transfer you to another cell."

SCP-4357-J: "Oh yeah, well I'm making an escape!"

We then see SCP-4357-J leave the room as Lindsay turns to you.

Lindsay: "Um should we do something?"

(Y/N): " I wouldn't worry, this is SCP-4357-J."

Leshawna: " What does the J stand for?"

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