Chapter 4

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Harlequin was flying back from meeting his kids and was extremely annoyed. He had told Sorrel and Liana not to go researching the Fae. He didn't understand. They didn't understand this kind of power. He shook his head and flew off towards the southern border. When he got there he saw the charred and burnt forest that was described in the diary. He felt the dark magic that made people feel like they were suffocating, but overall it wasn't so bad. Not until he reached the very heart of the land. There was a strong magical power radiating from somewhere. He wanted to find this source, to discover what kind of dark powers resided in this land, to discover the truths of what happened here.

As he searched around he found a small crevice in the ground. He couldn't get his body down there so he summoned his Chastiefol to make the hole bigger. Harlequin had very little physical strength. When the hole was big enough he slipped down the hole into darkness. He changed Chastiefol's form to Luminosity so he could light his way through the dark tunnel he found himself in. There was a single tree, dark and looming. It's bark seemed to be charred in a sense, but the tree still stood strong and imposing. The magic was stronger here, but it never felt suffocating to Harlequin. He walked to the base of the tree and touched the trunk. It was soft and smooth while also generating a strong magical pulse.

The longer he held his hand there the more he felt a warm tingling sensation creep up his arm. Soon images and memories flooded his mind.

They are here, they are coming. They will burn the Tree down. We will all perish in smoke and flames. They are not to be trusted, humans are not to be trusted. The others are not to be trusted. Anybody outside of our own clan, is not to be trusted. Even the Surface Dwellers are not to be trusted. The fire is closing in. The smoke is suffocating. I can smell the flame and smoke." Harlequin gasped as reality came back to him. The images were so real, the scent of fire and smoke and the sheer terror of the event seemed so real it almost felt like it was happening. He had to turn around several times to make sure no one was actually coming. He fled not wanting those memories around any longer.

He covered up the hole so nobody would stumble upon such things and he went to find Merikk to tell him about his findings. He found Merikk in the Fairy Realm and he told Merikk everything.

"Intense." Merikk said.

"It felt so real." Harlequin said. Merikk was one of the quieter Fairies unless directly asked to speak or directly asked to be involved in any way. Over the course of the past years Merikk went on an expedition to form relationships with neighboring kingdoms. He came back with word from both kingdoms of his success. Some messengers were still out, but with the growing expanse of forest known as the Fairy King's Forest people are believing it is worth it to try and seek trade routes through the forest.

"What you're describing is somebody's memories embedded in your head so they appear as if you were the one in their place." Merikk said.

"Who's memories were those?" Harlequin asked.

"I hate to say this, but I believe they are Kairos' memories." Merikk said.

"How? Kairos died ages ago." Harlequin asked.

"His memories were stored in the tree. I'm not sure what'll happen, but I'll try to support you. After all, I didn't experience what you did." Merikk said. Harlequin sighed and went to see if he could find Sorrel and Liana.

They had been out for most of the day and instead of going to find them knowing they would be fine since they were with Lucien and Trsitan. He found Harlow sitting at the dinner table rubbing her temples.

"What's wrong?" Harlequin asked.

"Why did you go to the Dark Forest?" Harlow asked faintly.

"I didn't. I don't know where you heard such rumors." Harlequin said.

"Gerheade told me. She saw you coming back from the south." Harlow said.

"Gerheade must've seen wrong. I went to the beach." Harlequin said, covering up for the fact that he did go to the Dark Forest.

"Gerheade told me the truth. She heard from Merikk." Harlow said.

"Why?! I thought Merikk could be trusted! Clearly nobody, even your close friends are trustworthy! If you tell them one small secret they go and stab you behind your back!" Harlequin shouted. He started pacing around the room angrily.

"Are you all right?" Harlow asked. He had never seen such outbursts from Harlequin before.

"I am questioning the trustworthiness of my subjects and the fact that people can't keep a simple secret." Harlequin replied. He was fuming mad and his eyes had this steely cold expression in them.

"What do you mean?" Harlow asked.

"If people can't keep secrets then why should we trust them?" Harlequin asked.

"You're not making any sense. Just weeks ago you were all pro for the unity of giants and Fairies." Harlow said.

"People aren't trustworthy." Harlequin decided.

"Harlequin." Harlow said sharply. Harlequin looked at her and the cold expression had washed from his eyes. He looked confused.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." Harlequin apologized, shaking his head lightly. Harlow was worried. He just suddenly came back from the Dark Forest and was acting totally different. She was worried and had to talk to Diane about this, but the chances Harlequin would like her telling Diane were slim. She was already quite busy with giant matters that she shouldn't have to worry Diane with matters of her husband. She shook her head and walked away.

Harlequin had already left. He had gone to see Merikk, who was his big concern right now.

"Why did you tell Gerheade what I was doing!" Harlequin yelled. Merikk jumped in shock and started apologizing. He had never seen his king so mad before.

"Gerheade questioned me." Merikk whimpered.

"You could've told her anything but the truth!" Harlequin continued on. He was yelling and Merikk thought at least half the forest could hear the commotion.

"I'm sorry." Merikk said.

"Not good enough." Harlequin seethed, "make people forget you said that."

"You're asking me to perform a Forbidden Spell. I can't." Merikk said.

"Do it." Harlequin repeated. His voice gave Merikk the message that there would be no debating. He performed a spell that was not the Forbidden Spell, but he had to make his king happy. Harlequin left in a flurry of wing beats and went off to badger Gerheade instead probably.

Gerheade was as concerned about Harlequin as Merikk was.

"You might get fired." Harlequin threatened.

"I'm not afraid of your threats." Gerheade said. Harlequin was not acting the same and Gerheade wondered if it was because he had gone to the Cursed Forest.

"You will promise not to do that again." Harlequin said.

"You are acting irrational. Are you sure I don't need to talk to Seline?" Gerheade asked. Harlequin shook his head vigorously. He had no interest in telling Seline. She didn't need to be part of this. Harlequin snapped something at Gerheade before storming off.

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