Chapter 16

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In the morning there was some sort of rally or protest on the streets. There was loud noise and lots of people gathering in the town square. Cethin and Kairos were rallying people to aid them in some cause. Nyx and Asra went outside to experience what was going on.

"What are you doing?" Asra asked.

"Gathering forces to oppose Harlequin." Kairos answered.

"You're not thinking of killing him are you?!" Nyx shrieked.

"We came to the same deduction as you. Abaddon is involved. We simply want to free him from their spell. I know what it is like to harbor the power of a Commandment inside of you. It doesn't change anything but your combat class. Harlequin should've been unaffected." Cethin chimed.

"We have to stop Abaddon and his gang of delinquents once and for all." Asra decided. Kairos and Cethin bobbed their heads lightly. Asra and Nyx flew around the Dark Realm bringing up the issue to most of the Fae that could fight.

All in all after the rally they had about 100 Fae fighting for their cause. When they met in the Forge to gather weapons they saw most of the swords already taken.

"Abaddon must've been here first." Cethin realized. They took what meager weapons were left and headed for the Fairy King's Forest to inform Gerheade of the incoming threat.

Harlequin was restringing a bow while Abaddon was sharpening swords.

"This raid will be our most epic feat." Marow said.

"It's not a raid. It's an attack. We're going to destroy the Sacred Tree." Harlequin corrected. Mairy nodded and handed one of his weapons to Satan. It was clear Mairy was unsure of the definition of raids and attacks. As they were prepared to head out they heard a rally in the center of the Dark Realm. They knew it was Cethin and Kairos rallying people to oppose and stand up against them, but they had to hope they wouldn't be too much of an issue.

When they left they left through an alternative portal that went straight to the Fairy King's Forest. It was hidden by lots of vines and moss and possessed the colors of demon eyes. They slipped through and stumbled their way to the Sacred Tree. Marow was complaining most of the time asking when they could set the Sacred Tree on fire and what not.

"We must be patient. We have to wait and watch before executing anything." Diablo said. He was watching the Fairies gather around the Sacred Tree in the Fairy King's Forest in worry. The one in the Fairy King's Forest was simply a portal to the real one, but both would have to be destroyed for full effectiveness.

"We wait and when all of those Fairies leave we sneak in and light our Hellblaze torches." Abaddon explained, especially making sure Marow understood. Marow nodded and watched as Fairies dispersed to greet what must be guests at the southern border.

During that period of time they slipped past unnoticed, transported themselves to the Fairy Realm and flew to the Sacred Tree. They found little resistance through the forest, but when they got to the tree found Diane, Sorrel, Liana, Gerheade, Kairos, Cethin, Nyx, Asra, Azrael, and Ares waiting for them.

"What a surprise. We had no doubt it was you five." Nyx said.

"We were hoping to make it a surprise but this works too." Abaddon said.

"How did you get the Fairies to work with you Kairos?" Rochester asked.

"It was a matter of their king or death. They would rather save their king and work with us than die knowing they didn't even try." Kairos explained.

"I would rather work with the Fae than watch my king suffer in pain." Gerheade chimed.

"You are so pathetic. Your precious Sacred Tree will die in flames as we parade over the Fairy King's Forest." Diablo taunted.

"You better give up now." Diane seethed.

"Why should we?" Marow asked.

"I don't want to fight Harlequin. I don't want to fight an unnecessary fight." Diane said.

"You're weak if you don't want to fight." Marow stated.

"Let's spare all this small talk for later. Right now we have a job to accomplish." Harlequin suggested. Everybody readied themselves for a fight and Kairos summoned Spirit Spear Polaris, which should've been in Harlequin's possession.

"End it one shot!" Cethin shouted.

"I will." Kairos said. "Black Rose!" A black rose appeared above Harlequin and the tip possessed an electrical charge.

"Scatter!" Abaddon ordered. All of the Fae, but Harlequin scatter and Harlequin was hit with a beam of magical energy. Abaddon and the others watched helplessly as their spell was flushed out of their precious leader and comrade in delinquency. Diane was slightly terrified of the blast of energy and what it would mean for Harlequin, but she had some trust in Kairos and had faith he would do the right thing.

When the light ended Harlequin was crouched on the ground rubbing his head.

"What happened?" Harlequin asked.

"Abaddon and the others decided to play a fun little joke on you." Cethin answered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kairos asked.

"The whole spell where they decided to turn him against everything." Cethin responded.

"That was why you were overthrown." Kairos said.

"My mind was definitely foggy for a bit." Harlequin said.

"That was their signature spell. A spell that allowed them to control the thoughts and thought processes of a person in order to essentially control them." Kairos explained. Harlequin nodded slowly and got up.

"We still have to deal with those five." Sorrel pointed out.

"Can I have my Spirit Spear back?" Harlequin asked, glaring at Kairos.

"I only borrowed it." Kairos whimpered. Kairos magically gave back Harlequin Polaris and Harlequin used one of it's spells.

"Black Sphere!" Harlequin exclaimed. "Black Out!" A sphere of darkness enveloped all five Demonic Fae. After that an arrow of darkness pierced the sphere and Abaddon and the rest dropped to the ground. At first glance they were dead, but Kairos and the other Fae knew otherwise.

"Black Out, a move that blacks out or shuts down a creature's power rendering them powerless and unconscious" Cethin explained. They nodded in understanding. The move must be powerful. Diane was wondering why Harlequin still looked like a Fae.

"Shouldn't Kairos' attack turn him back to normal?" Diane whispered to Gerheade.

"Kairos is hiding something." Gerehade whispered back.

"Kairos, why does Harlequin still look like that? Shouldn't he have changed back?" Gerheade asked.

"You have been provided false information. The true Fairy King is not Harlequin but the Saint of the Fountain of Youth." Kairos responded.

"That's a lie." Gerheade countered.

"I've had a hard time remembering it, but ever since I was born I was a Fae." Harlequin said. They all gasped in shock and Gerheade simply refused to believe it.

"No, you are the Fairy King. I refuse to believe you are anything more or less than that." Gerheade said.

"You who refuse to believe that the Fairy Clan was always safe, you who believed that humans could be trusted, you who believed that the Fae clan would never resurface." Harlequin spat. Gerheade was taken aback. She had never thought her king would say such things to her.

"Why?" Gerheade whispered.

"Because. All you ever believed was that the Fairy clan was safe as long as they remained in the Fairy King's Forest. All you believed if you never trusted humans again the Fairies would be safe. All you believed was that the Fae had left this earth and would never return! Can't you see that that's wrong?" Harlequin asked.

"I can't. Nor can I see why you would trust barbarians like them." Gerheade said. Harlequin reeled back as if he had been slapped. He was ready to attack Gerheade but managed to stop himself.

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