Chapter 15

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"So that's how it'll be? Nobody will try to understand me? Nobody will try to trust my word? Fine." Harlequin said. His voice was calm and controlled even though his facial expressions were distorted with anger.

"I want to trust you. It's just that you came back from the Dark Realm of all places looking different and then went on to tell me to kick out my clan from the forest." Diane argued.

"You promised me when we married that you would always support me and be by my side. I thought I could trust you." Harlequin said, seething the last bit.

Diane reeled in shock. It hurt her deeply and if Harlequin had used his magic, it would've hurt less.

"I should've known you wouldn't try to see my point." Harlequin seethed. He was angry and shaking from controlling his anger.

"Do you really think we'd let you do any of this without a fight?" Sorrel asked. He was more confident about standing up to his father now that he knew it wasn't really him.

"They were right. There is nothing left for me here." Harlequin said. Diane wondered who they were, but they would have to ask another time, Harlequin was flying away. Diane was worried. What the Dark Tree and Commandment of Distortion did to him was pretty much brainwashing. To free someone of brainwashing is very difficult if not impossible. In order for her to save him she would have to learn about the Commandment of Distortion, what it did, and how it could be playing a role in Harlequin's state.

"I'm worried. What if Harlequin spirals down the path of darkness until he can't come back?" Diane asked.

"I hope that isn't the case. But both the Dark Tree and a Commandment would be hard to fight off." Gerheade responded. Diane nodded and went to go find some sort of book that might be lying around.

She found an old volume. It had obviously been written when the Ten Commandments were at the peak of their power, but it provided accurate information.

Legends speak of only Ten Commandments, but what if the dark truth of an eleventh Commandment leaked out? What if the truth of an eleventh and more powerful Commandment leaked out? The dark truth is the eleventh Commandment was the most feared Commandment of all eleven. This Commandment was even more powerful than the Demon King and all Ten Commandments combined. With the power to distort things this Commandment had the power to rival and surpass the Demon King. Though the Commandment was created by the Demon King it lusted for the full power of the Demon King and therefore turned bloodthirsty for power. The Demon King had no choice but to lock up this Commandment for it was too dangerous. After many years of this power being dormant the Demon King summoned it from banishment and imbedded it in a Fairy. After that a new Fairy clan was created and the Commandment of Distortion was passed down from Fae King to Fae King.

The Commandment of Distortion was actually called the Commandment of Hatred. Any being that held this Commandment would have their feelings warped into hatred and anger towards anybody that was not their own species. It was fitting for the Fae King since the Fae King wanted to annihilate any clan that wasn't his own while thirsting for more power. This Commandment had the ability of Trick Star, Hellblaze, and Revenge. To free somebody from the Commandment the holder would have to give it up willingly. Once that is done the Fae clan can live on in peace with other clans.

Orion, Fairy

Diane read this with great concern. If it was a Commandment the chances of Harlequin giving it up were slim. That would mean they would have to make him remember his past before he decides to give up the Commandment. She was seriously concerned now. There had to be a way. She would not lose Harlequin like this.

Harlequin had flown back to the Dark Realm and was fuming over his friend's reaction.

"My king, what can I do to console you?" Azrael asked.

"I wish for the most fragrant tea and to summon a war council." Harlequin replied. Azrael nodded and left to go prepare the tea and summon a war council. Azrael came back with Nyx, Asra, Ares, Cethin, and Kairos. They each bowed low before showing him the war room.

"What is it you are planning?" Nyx asked.

"I want to invade the Fairy King's Forest and kill the Sacred Tree." Harlequin responded.

"My king, that is unreasonable!" Asra cried.

"You know who I am and what kind of power runs in my blood. If you don't agree I'll find people who will." Harlequin threatened.

"Just because the Commandment of Hatred runs through your veins doesn't mean you can't be the same reasonable king we once cherished." Ares said.

"You are all weak!" Harlequin shouted. "If you don't help me, I'll find people who will." He stormed out of the conference room and flew off in the direction of the north.

When he got there he found a small group of five Fae waiting for him. Their hair was black and their eyes were bright red.

"Welcome, I see you have finally acknowledged the demonic power inside of you." One said.

"Pipe down, Abaddon." The second said, "Let the king explain." Abaddon rolled his eyes and motioned for Harlequin to sit by their campfire and tell them everything that had happened. Harlequin nodded and sat and talked. These Fae were more demonic than the rest and therefore were more unruly.

Character Index 2 (The Demonic Fae)


Black hair, red eyes, 5'7"

Race: Fae/Demon


Black hair, rust red eyes, 5'8"

Race: Fae/Demon


Grey hair, grey eyes, 5'9"

Race: Fae/Demon


Dark blue hair, red eyes, 5'10"

Race: Fae/Demon


Black hair, bright red eyes, 5'11"

Race: Fae/Demon

Harlequin explained the situation and they instantly agreed to help. Little did he know they were the reason he was acting angrier and more hateful to others. The second Fae was Rochester, the third, Marow, the fourth Satan, and the fifth Diablo. They were all very interesting and bent on world domination.

"Say Harlequin, what do you say we use Hellblaze and lit the Sacred Tree aflame?" Malak asked. Harlequin laughed and agreed. Satan had a few meat skewers around the fire and by the time night fell they all dove into the array of meats around the fire. Harlequin was going to attack the Sacred Tree in broad daylight so his friends could see that he was nothing like he was before.

Asra and Nyx were in their chambers fiddling with the keys on a baby grand piano.

"I cannot believe Harlequin has turned even darker." Nyx said.

"I have a haunch on the responsible person or group." Asra said while playing a sorrowful tune.

"You don't think it's Abaddon and the others do you?" Nyx asked.

"It's them exactly." Asra answered. She played some more notes on the piano before getting up to dress for bed. Nyx sighed and followed suit.

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