Chapter 21

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Asra held an old and fragile looking map in her hand. It had a single mark on it and it was a wolf head. It was labeled Wolf's Den. Harlequin assumed it was the home of Lupus Nightshade, the first king of the Fae.

"How many people have found Lupus?" Harlequin asked.

"About two." Asra responded. The odds of finding Lupus were low, but Harlequin needed to ask him about the true history of the Fairies and how the Fae broke off and if there were any other species besides the Fae, Fairies, and SeaFae.

"We need to camp out." Asra decided suddenly.

"We're fine. Fae don't have to go to sleep or dwell inside when it gets dark." Harlequin countered. Asra shook her head.

"You haven't experienced a Full Moon have you?" Asra asked. Harlequin shook his head and Asra explained it to him.

"You can camp out. I'm going to stay up for a little longer." Harlequin decided.

"That's crazy! You're going to go crazy for real!" Asra yelped.

"I have a hunch on something and I need to prove my hunch." Harlequin argued.

"Every Fae that's gone crazy and stayed that way has stood under a Full Moon." Asra said, enunciating each word.

"I get your point, but I have a feeling about the Full Moon and it's connection to Lupus." Harlequin said.

"You think going insane will help you reach enlightenment?" Asra asked.

"Lupus is Latin for wolf and Lupus was a werewolf. Werewolves transform on full moons so perhaps by letting the Full Moon take over it is a guide to Lupus." Harlequin explained. Asra finally got it. She knew this was the riskiest option alive but it would be the right one. Asra dipped her head and let Harlequin have his way.

When the moon came out that night Harlequin was standing outside staring, transfixed by the stars. The moon had risen and he couldn't take his eyes off the moon. He had felt his body shifting, he felt his spine become more erect, his fingernails legentheing to form claws, four of his teeth sharpened and became fangs. It was exactly as Harlequin had predicted he almost laughed in glee but he stopped himself when he felt the insatiable hunger for human flesh and blood rise. He had had this issue when he first absorbed the Commandment and now it was coming back to haunt him again. If he didn't sort it out he would kill people no doubt about it.

He ran off into the forest and tried to push down the Demonic instincts of the Commandment. When he breached the forest he looked around for a place to hide. He couldn't find one so instead he turned around, snapped open his wings and flew from the Dark Realm. He didn't want to kill any of his people so he fled to Britannia.

Britannia was flourishing with life after the attack of the Demon King and Supreme Deity. The land looked healthy and the people looked quite juicy. He shook his head to shake off the thoughts of feeding. He had lost himself to this hunger before and he did not want it to happen again but it could. His grip on his Demonic side was slipping with every minute.

Asra had heard Harlequin and she went outside to see what was going on. She found no sign of Harlequin and every sign he had been fighting with his Demonic side. Some of the trees had claw scratches on them and some had been cut clear off their stumps. Asra started nibling on her finger nails worried Harlequin was going to flat out murder somebody. She started pacing and eventually decided to go after him in hopes of catching up to him before he devoured someone. Asra flew off in a flurry of wing beats.

Harlequin had fought off his hunger for human flesh and blood for as long as he could but eventually he submitted himself to the undeniable and had begun feeding. He would tear the flesh and meat off the bones and lap up the blood like a starved animal. He didn't have any care or concern for the repercussions of his actions, he was just focused on satiating his hunger which stemmed from years of not feeding his Demon side. He had heard knights, guards, villagers, anybody coming at him to murder him for murdering others but he killed them all the same. He felt his body shifting yet again, repelling the curse through the power of his Commandment.

Asra heard the screams of people and rushed to see what was going on. What she saw was impossible. The figure before her was not the Fae King Harlequin but a monster, born from hunger and darkness. She was mortified at the scene she saw. Mutilated corpses littered the ground and splatters of blood soaked the floor. An inferno of fire ran around the scene and put the spotlight on her king. Harlequin was shirtless and covered in blood. His brown hair had two demon horns poking out and his eyes were red and pupiless. He wore only skin tight black jeans that outlined his privates. Wings made of pure darkness stretched behind him.

"Harlequin, what happened to you?" Asra asked.

"Nothing. This is my true form." Harlequin answered. He laughed mercilessly and Asra saw his exposed fangs.

"It's not. You're not a Demon!" Asra shouted.

"But one of the eleven Commandments runs through my veins. How does that not count as being a Demon?" Harlequin asked. Asra knew she needed to get help in order to save Harlequin but she had no clue who to ask or if they would even be able to help. His power level kept increasing as the moon's strength increased. She started spinning around frantically and finally a name popped in her head: Meliodas of Liones kingdom.

She flew off in hopes that Meliodas was still up. When she reached the palace the lights were off. She knocked on the door and a sleepy Meliodas opened the door.

"Harlequin is attacking!" Asra shouted.

"What?" Meliodas asked sleepily.

"King - is - attacking." Asra replied, slower this time. Meliodas snapped to attention and asked for details immediately.

"He has no reason to attack Britannia nor would he have the power to." Meliodas said. Asra launched into her explanation. "So that's what's been happening." Meliodas said in understanding.

"How do we stop this?" Asra asked.

"First we have to find out if Diane is still alive. That would be another big contributing factor." Meliodas said. "If Diane were dead no doubt he would go on a rampage and what you're describing is a Demon rampage."

"How do you stop a Demon rampage?" Asra asked.

"Very carefully and without dying." Meliodas responded. He summoned his wings and shot off in the direction of the Fairy King's Forest. Asra shot off as well praying his king was alright.

Harlequin had completely lost it. The only thing he recognized was his hunger and his Demonic side. He didn't remember anybody that wasn't a Demon. He had remembered his father being unjustly murdered by Meliodas and all he wanted was to tear his body to shreds and gorge on the flesh and meat. He heard wing beats behind him and turned to see a Demon and a Fae flying towards him. He bared his teeth and snarled to let them know he was hostile.

Meliodas finally saw the severity of what had happened. Harlequin was senseless and intent on murdering him for murdering the Demon King.

"Calm down King." Meliodas said.

"I'm not King. I am the rightful Demon King." Harlequin said.

"You really must've hit your head hard." Meliodas said.

"Get out of my way!" Harlequin shouted.

"One on one Demon bro battle." Meliodas said.

"She's dead! They're dead! I saw their bodies! This was all your fault!" Harlequin shouted in fury and pain.

"I know they're dead but you don't have to go on a rampage. Merlin promised they'll live again. She personally talked to Mael after the events of tonight. Mael has confirmed their reincarnation with their previous memories." Meliodas explained.

"I don't believe you. You lied to the Commandments before. How do I know you're not lying?!" Harlequin asked. Meliodas backed off as Harlequin took a menacing step forward. His fangs were bared and his claws were outstretched; he was mad and dangerous. Asra was watching in awe and fear. Meliodas rolled up his sleeves and put a determined look on his face.

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