Chapter 13

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Harlequin was thinking about the way Diane might be worried. He had left suddenly after their chat and perhaps Diane still had things to say. He wanted to go back but Cethin and Kairos were planning the feast of a lifetime for his return and he wouldn't dare disrespect his former kings. The king's private chambers were beyond luxurious and he felt like he didn't quite deserve it yet. Kairos and Cethin were very pleased with the way Harlequin looked and he had yet to figure out what they meant. A knock came from outside the door and he answered it.

"My king, you seem troubled." Asra said.

"I'm worried about some people back in the Fairy King's Forest." Harlequin replied.

"You are not one of them anymore. You should not worry about them." Asra suggested.

"My wife, a giant, lives in the Fairy King's Forest with the giants. I cannot help but worry about her." Harlequin said.

"I understand. The vows made on one's wedding day are as strong and pure as the souls of Gods. I can only imagine the worry you are bearing." Asra said, letting a sympathetic look cross her face, "the feast will be ready soon. If you want to shower before the feast, now is the time."

"I will." Harlequin said, getting up.

As he turned to enter the shower he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror fastened above the sink. His hair was black and slightly messier instead of the light brown it usually was. His eyes were also different, they were yellow, a wolfish yellow and his pupils were slit like cats. These must've been the looks Kairos first mentioned. He showered and when he got out of the shower found a simple T-shirt and jeans laid out for him. It seemed the Fae were not big on fancy clothing. As he went down to the dining room he found lots of cooks and maids juggling platters of food underneath silver cloches. When he finally arrived at the dining room only the most important royal figures were seated at the table. He saw Kairos, Cethin, Nyx, Asra, Azrael, Ares, and a bunch of other people he didn't know.

Kairos and Cethin stood and showed Harlequin his place at the very head of the table.

"Today we welcome back King Harlequin to the throne of the Fae." Kairos announced.

"For many long years in Dystopia we had lived without a king, a ruler, a figure equal to the might of Gods. Now we can welcome back the rightful Fae King." Cethin continued. All of the people gathered applauded. Harlequin stood up and said a few words.

"I am pleased to be seated upon my rightful throne once again. As you know I was once considered the Sacred Tree's King so I must relearn the customs of my land, but I assure you it will not take long and as I learn I hope I can learn from the people in which I once so dearly cherished." Harlequin said. They all applauded again and Harlequin sat down to eat.

Most of the food were vegetable dishes. There were beet salads, lettuce salads, bowls of pickled radish and carrot, fried tofu with sauces, an array of rice and pastas, there was even a freshly roasted ham. The feast was excellent and many of the gathered guests wished their best regards to Harlequin. After the feast he retired to his room and slept.

In the morning he wanted to go see Diane, he was in such a hurry he actually forgot to put a shirt on. He saw Cethin on the way out.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Cethin asked.

"I need to get back to Diane." Harlequin responded.

"You can't go back into the Fairy King's Forest like this. They will call you a monster." Cethin said.

"I highly doubt that. They know me." Harlequin answered.

"I am just trying to protect you." Cethin said.

"I'll be fine. I promise I will come back." Harlequin promised. Cethin nodded and showed Harlequin how to get out of the Dark Forest.

He had been taught how to use Spirit Spear Polaris and ever since his transformation had replaced Chastiefol. Like he carried around his Chastiefol as a pillow he carried Polaris around as a scimitar with the phases of the moon carved into the blade as holes.

As he was leaving the Dark Realm he found a smattering of fresh ash. It looked like a fire had just been put out minutes before he arrived. As he flew back to the Fairy King's Forest he found his eyes were not accustomed to the bright light of the surface. They did eventually readjust but it was still a little uncomfortable.

When he reached the border of the Fairy King's Forest he found little activity. As he flew into the forest he passed a few Fairies with gaping mouths.

"What's wrong?" Harlequin asked..

"Who are you?" the Fairy asked.

"I am the Fairy King." Harlequin answered.

"You do not look like the king." the Fairy said. Harlequin stood up to leave and before he did reassured the Fairy that it was a little bit of ash that's all. As he turned to leave he saw more Fairies gather around and stare with blank faces at Harlequin. He was worried about the safety of his people and the status of his people. He had after all given them quite a scare with his new appearance but that shouldn't matter.

Diane had returned to the spot where Harlequin was. Instead of finding him there he was gone. She went back to his house to see if he was there and all she found there were Sorrel and Liana as well as Gerheade. All three of them offered to help her in her efforts to find Harlequin. Instead what they found was immense magical power coming from the southern edge of the Fairy King's Forest.

"What is that?" Diane asked.

"Great power. I can't pinpoint exactly what clan it comes from or even the core abilities but it is powerful." Gerheade said.

"Let's go." Diane decided. As they ran to the southern border they saw a Fairy flying towards them. The Fairy stopped in front of them and Diane was wondering what was up since the Fairy had a definitive look of shock and disbelief on their face.

"He says he is the king but he is different. He is not the same." the Fairy said.

"Did you find him? Did you find Harlequin?" Diane asked excitedly.

"He did, but he is disbelieving that it is actually Harlequin which is hard to believe." Sorrel responded.

"Where is he?" Diane asked, clutching the Fairy in her hand so he would feel safe.

"Here." A voice said. Diane looked up to see Harlequin floating a few feet in front of her face. Diane gasped. It was him she was sure of it, but there was something different about him and it struck her. His appearance was different. Or more specifically the colors of his features. Diane noticed his eyes had turned an unnatural shade of yellow, his hair was black, and the coloration of his wings was all wrong. Instead of their light blue they were a dark purple with orange spots. His magical power was stronger than before and it felt different, like the rushing rapids of a river.

"What happened?" Diane asked.

"Father?" Sorrel asked.

"I promise you, everything is fine." Harlequin reassured them. Diane was convinced something was up even though Harlequin said things were fine.

"What happened to you? You look-" Diane began.

"I know I look different but I promise everything is fine." Harlequin said, reassuring them again.

"Why are you different?" Liana asked. Harlequin fidgeted in the air not really wanting to say what was on his mind. Diane also noticed he had grown into his Full Wings Form again, but she wondered how. A few hours before they were at Merlin's because his magic levels dropped dramatically, but now he was as powerful as he usually is, if not more powerful. Diane was very concerned.

"I think to hold this new power I discovered I had to change into something different." Harlequin began. "When I reentered the forest I accidentally scared some of the Fairies." He pursed his lip in concern and Diane looked as confused as ever.

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