Chapter 17

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"The Fae are not barbarians. You are refusing to see things from another perspective. The Fae are merely misunderstood and you refuse to try to understand." Harlequin shot.

"The Fae broke the pact with our people!" Gloxinia shouted.

"That was one single Fae. How can one Fae's actions speak for the whole clan?!" Harlequin shouted back.

"The Fae are ruthless, crazy, barbaric. How can you call yourself one of them?" Gerheade whispered. She was on the verge of tears and had a hard time looking at Harlequin.

"Not all Fae are like that. They have a civilized and complex society, an economy, and beyond all dignity. How can you be so prejudiced to a whole clan when jst one exposed those traits?" Harlequin asked, hurt. Diane was hurting for Harlequin. She hadn't known any of this information, but she had a feeling the whole story to the Fae was a lot more than Harlequin was willing to go into.

"My king, your mind has been twisted and warped by lies. There is no way you could be a Fae, no way you could be the Fae King, no way you could possess the power of the Commandment of Distortion." Gerheade reasoned. She had yet to grasp the fact that Harlequin was not going to give up any of his titles or powers.

"Gerheade, give it up. He's not coming back." Sorrel whispered.

"I refuse!" Gerheade refused. Sorrel shook his head lightly and Gerheade gave up.

"I still want answers. What was with that Fae?" Gerheade asked.

"I have no clue." Harlequin answered.

"His name was Arian. He looked just like Cethin, but unlike Cethin was like Abaddon. He broke the pact Kairos had made with Gloxinia and therefore the Fae were slaughtered. We were saved by Asra and Nyx's spell that simply transported us to a different dimension rather than actually killing us off." Kairos explained. Gerheade nodded and a part of her possibly started believing in the goodness of the Fae, but it would take much more than a quick story to fully change her mind.

Harlequin had left for the Dark Realm again and after gathering the bodies of Abaddon, Rochester, Marow, and Diablo returned home. Kairos and Cethin carried their bodies and Asra and Nyx flew behind them chatting happily. After all the events that happened his memories and thoughts were clearer. He was for sure the Fae King and more sure than ever he was meant to rule the Dark Realm with the Commandment of Distortion's power. He also was having second thoughts about Diane. Diane was loyal to the Fairies and Giants so she was likely to stay in the Fairy King's Forest. Perhaps it was time for him to move on. Asra and Nyx were plenty up to his standards and it would definitely be beneficial to the kingdom if he married one of them. The thought was tempting and he nearly asked Kairos if it was a good idea, but he would say he had to find peace between the Fairies and the Fae like the Giants and the Fairies did.

"Kairos, what do you think of me dating Asra or Nyx?" Harlequin asked. He went against his thoughts and asked anyway. The only way to get answers was to ask.

"It would be beneficial to the clan and it would keep the tension of the Fairies and Fae. Overall it's not a terrible idea but it would break Diane's heart." Kairos replied.

"It's just every time I think of going to visit her all I can think about is Gerheade assaulting me with questions and insisting I go to the Sacred Tree to repair my bond." Harlequin commented.

"I can see how your thoughts conflict with your actions. I know Diane would be worried yet happy and Gerheade would just be plain furious, confused, relieved and possibly happy. Of course emotions always conflict with each other so you never know." Cethin chimed.

Harlequin was definitely on the verge of turning around and going back but he stopped himself because of Gerheade. When they got back, a Fae wearing glasses reported on the status of the kingdom and how a few merchants needed to clear some new goods they manufactured. Kairos and Cethin ran off to check the products and left Harlequin to ponder the thoughts that plagued his mind.

Later that afternoon a palace maid found him. It was clear the maid was concerned and he had no clue who they were.

"Who are you?" Harlequin asked.

"My name is Vivica. I simply came to check to see if you needed anything." Vivica replied. Harlequin shook his head and flew down the stairs to see Asra and Nyx.

Asra was playing the piano and Nyx was plucking the strings of a violin. When he walked in they stopped what they were doing and flattered and tended to his needs as they saw fit. Harlequin always knew that if he was troubled or needed a reprieve he could go to Asra and Nyx because they always seemed to know what Harlequin needed even if he hadn't said a word. Today Asra and Nyx provided Harlequin with a warm bath, soothing teas, and some of his favorite desserts along with a talk.

"What's going on?" Nyx asked.

"I'm worried about Diane, but I don't want to go visit her because I would encounter Gerheade." Harlequin answered.

"I see. If I hadn't known about how deep your connection to Diane was I would say you could just move on from her, but things are obviously more complicated than simply moving on." Asra commented.

"Maybe he should just move on." Nyx chimed.

"Why?" Harlequin asked.

"The tension between the Fae and Fairies is at an all time high and Gerheade is not letting things slide. She likely won't let you see Diane even on special terms so perhaps for simplicity and our clans sakes you should just move on." Nyx explained, "Needless to say there are plenty of decent Fae around here."

"He loves Diane." Asra argued.

"Maybe I should move on. I mean it's not like I can't." Harlequin said.

"I would consult Kairos and or Cethin first." Asra advised.

"I talked to Kairos and he said it would be beneficial for the clan but I would be breaking Diane's heart." Harlequin said.

"I could see why. Perhaps if you think through all of the benefits and all of the negatives before you decide to leave Diane and pursue a different lover." Asra concluded. Harlequin nodded and left. He wanted to survey the female Fae in the Dark Realm. No doubt there was one equal to Diane if not better.

What he found definitely tempted him. Most of them had long dark hair and passionate eyes. Their dark wings matched their hair and included lots of different patterns. He decided to talk to one with long leafy looking wings.

"My king." She said while bowing low.

"No need. I was just in search of a possible girlfriend." Harlequin answered. Her golden eyes lit up and she did a little dance.

"My name's Artemis. I would be happy to show you were I live." Artemis offered. Harlequin felt himself drawn to Artemis in more ways than he wanted to admit. He wanted to do so many things with Artemis it was wrong.

"Sure. I think you know my name, right?" Harlequin asked.

"Of course. You are the Fae King Harlequin." Artemis replied. Her long dark brown hair flowed to just below her waist and her wings were beautiful. It was hard to describe them and at that moment if anybody asked him he just wanted to insert an image. They had a semi leafy design to them, fanning out and then coming back to the main structure. The colors were a grey with dark blue splotches. Artemis had led Harlequin far into the countryside. Not quite sure where he was he suspected it was one of those hidden neighborhoods, but when he saw a large mansion.

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