Chapter 11

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Sorrel and Liana were sent home and Lancelot was forced to stay behind with Tristan so they could get reprimanded for the reckless actions they just took.

"If you want to fight us, fine." Tristan said.

"Yes, fine." Lancelot agreed.

"I didn't want to fight, but your actions are worthy of a fight." Harlequin said. Tristan pulled out his sword that he received for his fifteenth birthday and Lancelot simply used his fists like his father.

"True Spirit Spear Chastiefol, Form Two, Guardian." Harlequin ordered. Harlequin's Chastiefol appeared as a giant stuffed moss bear with a leopard print. It had thousands of arms and two of them trapped Lancelot and Tristan.

"Admit what you did was wrong and I may let you go." Harlequin said.

"What's the alternative?" Tristan asked.

"Fossilization." Harlequin replied simply.

"We did wrong, but you don't have to fossilize us for it." Lancelot said.

"I am protecting my people." Harlequin said. Lancelot was about to say something when Harlequin reeled in pain from something. He clutched his head as a headache rushed to his head from using his Chastiefol for too long. Lancelot and Tristan were freed and they ran off to find Sorrel and Liana quickly. They found them in their hideout.

"Father is getting very angry very quickly." Sorrel said.

"He nearly fossilized us." Lancelot said.

"That's taking it too far." Liana said, hopping to her feet abruptly.

"Thank god he had a headache from using his Spirit Spear." Tristan said ruefully.

"I hope this ends soon." Sorrel commented.

"Anybody would want this nightmare to end." Arelle chimed.

"Anyone but Harlequin. He seems intoxicated by the dark magic that flows through his body." Chrysta said acknowledging the dark fact that clung to the air like sticky toffee, the fact that was hard to digest. Lancelot and Tristan grimaced as Chrysta uttered those words. They were the dark words they hadn't wanted to hear or admit. It was too dark of a reality, it was too real, too true. They wanted to believe they had more time or more of a chance but deep down they knew it was already getting too late. Every minute Harlequin spent with that magic in his body the harder it would be to free him from the Dark Tree. They sighed and said their goodbyes.

Harlequin was waiting impatiently at home for Sorrel and Liana.

"Where did you run off to after I found you?" Harlequin asked.

"We went to see Chrysta and Arelle." Sorrel answered. Harlequin nodded and went off somewhere. They had assumed he went to his sleeping chambers but one never knew now.

Harlequin was getting ready for bed when Diane entered the room.

"Lancelot told me you nearly petrified him and Tristan." Diane said, "why would you do that?"

"They endangered our kids." Harlequin said.

"Still. That doesn't give you a reason to petrify them." Diane argued.

"It's my choice!" Harlequin shouted.

"Are you really that blind?" Diane asked.

"To what?" Harlequin asked.

"They were just discovering history. Years of history believed to be burned." Diane said on the verge of tears and shouting. She couldn't believe how her husband was acting, but then again she knew why and she hoped he could come back, return to the kind man he once was.

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