Chapter 7

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In the morning Diane was relieved to hear the tea Gerheade had given him had helped. Diane held off on taking Harlequin to see Merlin, but if things got worse they would go. Sorrel and Liana left so they could go play with Tristan and Lancelot and Harlequin went to read more letters. Harlow on the other hand was going to go meet with a delegate from the Goddess and Demon clan and hoped some sort of tri-peace-trade pact could be sealed between three of the most magically talented clans in Britannia. The stack of letters was shorter, but Arthur had sent a letter back and Harlequin feared the contents of the letter.

Sorrel and Liana were in their hideout and Lancelot was pacing the room. Tristan was following Lucien for fun.

"Gerheade told us more about Harlequin's status. She also said she was leaving it up to us to find a long term solution to the spells." Liana said.

"I mean they keep getting more intense. So we have to hurry." Tristan pointed out.

"We don't even know the cause." Sorrel said.

"It's something in the Dark Forest." Lancelot said.

"The Dark Tree?" Liana supplied.

"That would make sense. The Dark Forest is to the south." Sorrel said. Lancelot nodded in agreement. He was fairly rational and logical and never ruled anything out until proof was placed before him.

"If he touches the Dark Tree he's trying to break his bond with the Sacred Tree." Sorrel said.

"He may not have known that at the time." Liana said. She had calmed down and was definitely acting differently now that her father was going loco.

"If he's doing it unintentionally we're doomed." Tristan said. They nodded.

"To Merlin!" Lancelot decided. They agreed since Merlin would have a slight hint at what to do.

They went to Harlequin for permission first. Paige lived in Camelot so they would have to be gone for a few days.

"I've been having some arguments with Camelot lately. I'm not sure how Arthur will respond to having some of my kind in his kingdom. Either way you have support if you need it. Tristan, Lancelot, take care of Sorrel and Liana for me." Harlequins decided. Tristan and Lucien saluted for fun and they took off. Harlequin smiled faintly as they left and hoped his children would return home safe and sound. In the meantime he had to hope and pray everything would be fine and that he could get work done in the time frame. If Arthur imprisoned his children he would never forgive himself.

Sorrel and Liana flew on their Spirit Spears, Tristan flew on his demon wings, and Lancelot actually had Fairy wings to use. They were the same shape as Harlequin's but the color matched his father's hair. Camelot was farther away than they realized.

"What if Merlin can't help?" Sorrel asked.

"We figure it out by ourselves." Liana said. They nodded in mute agreement. They really didn't want to face off against someone they knew quite clearly and closely, but the spells were getting more severe if not more frequent as well. Lancelot had many ideas about philosophy and was thinking of this final fight in a philosophical way. His thought process was if a dear family member was changing or changed would you not do anything in your power to save them? And if you would save them wouldn't that be the justification to go to all limits? But the definition of all limits varies and therefore it would be hard to control several variables. So the best way to solve this kind of problem is to peacefully resolve it with medicines and tinctures. Or some sort of encouragement. Everybody appreciated Lancelot's philosophical thoughts and thought he should be a philosopher.

When they arrived in Camelot the guards asked them their business and they said they were visiting a close friend. It wasn't a lie and they hoped it was convincing. The guards let them in and they went to Merlin's tower to talk to her. They found her watching a substance react to different spells she was casting. She looked up when they entered and crossed the short distance to greet them. Merlin was tall and had ebony hair and yellow eyes. She wore a plain white shirt with a thin vest over it.

"What do you want?" Merlin asked.

"My name is Lancelot, this is Tristan, that's Sorrel, and over there is Liana." Lancelot said introducing himself.

"You are the sons and daughters of Meliodas, Ban, and Harlequin." Merlin realized.

"Harlequin has been acting weird. We need something to help him." Sorrel explained.

"If you cannot describe the situation Harlequin is in I cannot help you." Merlin explained.

"Harlequin has been having these spells, periods of time where he gets really mad and starts snapping. He's also been having recurring nightmares that either leave him angry when he wakes up or fearful." Liana explained.

"I have never heard of such things," Merlin said.

"It was magic too." Tristan said.

"I would have to see Harlequin's condition. I can't simply prescribe something without seeing the patient." Merlin said.

"We can't get him to do anything requiring finding a cure. It's almost like he likes it and wants it to continue." Sorrel said. Merlin went silent. She had been thinking it was the Dark Tree, but she had very little proof of such existence. She also knew its power was suffocating and anybody in the presence of such magic would feel the same suffocating feeling.

"I think it is the Dark Tree. I think Harlequin is transforming into a Fae." Merlin said, "if that is the case, there isn't really anything I can do. Or more specifically there is nothing that can be done."

They sighed. Merlin gave them a small vial of liquid. She said that if Harlequin drank this the effects should stop and then they could reforge his bond with the Sacred Tree. Sorrel and Liana thanked Merlin and went on their way.

They had arrived around noon and it was dark when they left. They camped out in a secluded cavern and Sorrel was worried. If Harlequin kept on this path the whole world could end in burning destruction.

"Harlequin is fading farther from the Sacred Tree's bonds as we speak." Liana said.

"You can feel it, can't you." Sorrel assumed. They could feel Harlequin's magic and bond to the Sacred Tree growing ever fainter. If the presence disappeared completely the chances he'd go to the Dark Tree and turn into a Fae were absolute.

During midmorning of the next day they continued their journey back to the Fairy King's Forest. When they got there Harlequin was waiting for them. He had heard word from Paige that they would be returning.

"How did it go?" Harlequin asked. He was himself. That was a relief.

"It went well. We had heard you weren't sleeping well and went to see if Paige had a sleeping remedy." Sorrel lied.

"I appreciate it, but Gerheade has already given me tea." Harlequin said.

"It will keep the nightmares at bay." Liana supplied.

"Thank you. This with Gerheade's tea should be perfect." Harlequin said. He left to go do something and Sorrel, Liana, Lancelot, and Tristan went down to the beach.

"I hope father drinks that." Liana said.

"The chances he will drink it are slim. Merlin said so herself." Tristan said. Lancelot was off to the side quietly conversing with Sorrel. Their conversation could barely be heard, but Sorrel had mentioned something about his fathers combat class and how it was getting oddly weak. Lucien was making similar remarks. Fairies had the ability to read a creature's combat class or how powerful they are in terms of numbers and the lower it was the weaker the creature was, the higher the more powerful.

"Comparing combat classes, the most powerful combat class we've seen is the Demon King and Supreme Deity at 750,000 or just over that." Sorrel said to Lancelot.

"And comparing that to Uncle, he has nearly a third of their combat class. Does that mean if he transforms into a Fae his combat class could equal that of the Supreme Deity and Demon King?" Lancelot asked.

"I'm not sure. He would have to gain a lot of power or have all of his power stripped away and replaced with a much more powerful magic." Sorrel responded.

"But that's already happening. His combat class is weakening." Lancelot argued.

"So the chances of option two will happen are almost absolute." Sorrel agreed. Liana and Tristan were very worried and wondered what had started such a conversation.

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