"You too."

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TJ and I walked to a Wal-Mart. "Caity, I don't know which dye to get." TJ said. I picked up a box of bleach. "I need this." I said. He got on his toes and picked up a box of green dye. "Here ya go, babes." He smiled, handing it to me. I grabbed a box of L'oreal black hair dye. I handed it to him, and asked him if he liked that one. "If you think I should get this one, I'll get it." He said. "Nooo, no. I'M getting it for you." I smiled. "Nope." He said, taking my bleach and dye. "I'm buying everything." He said. "How are you gonna buy it with no wallet?" I asked with a smirk. "Wha-?" He asked. I pulled his wallet out of my butt pocket. "Hoe." He smiled. "Hey." I said. "Sorry, sweatheart." He said, looking down. "It's okay, I just don't like being called a hoe." "I'm sorry.... Can I have my wallet back?" He asked. "Yeah, you have to catch me first." I smiled, skipping away. I got three aisles away when he caught me by the belt loop. "So, my wallet, darling." He said. "Can I at least have a kiss for it?" I smiled. He sighed and smiled, then pulled my lips to his. He pulled away quickly and then snatched his wallet out of my hand. "I love you, Caity." He said. I don't know what came over me, but I couldn't say it back. "You too." I said. He looked hurt. I felt so bad. I wanted to say it, but I just couldn't. "TJ, I like you. I really do. I've just always had a hard time telling people that I love them, because I've never really gotten to experience love. I've been on my own since I was 15. I'm sorry." I said. "I understand, babe. I understand. Thanks for giving me an explination." He smiled. "No problem. Wanna get back to your room? I'm sleepy." "Sure. Let's buy this stuff, I'll do your hair, and then we can go to sleep. Okay?" "Okay," I said, supressing a yawn. He bought the stuff, and carried me home. He came in with me to get some clothes packed for when I left with him, and a change of clothes for tomorrow. I had a feeling that I would like living with him. He carried my bags to the hotel, and then we went into his room. He pulled me into his bathroom and grabbed the bleach out of the bag. He opened it and mixed it, then used about half of it to bleach my roots, then the rest to bleach the tips of my bottom layer, and the tips of my fringe. He let it sit there for about 25 minutes, and then washed it out. He dried it, and it was nearly white. He looked at me and smiled. "You're so beautiful." He said. "Nah, I'm really not." "YES. You are." He argued. "If I'm so beautiful, then I dare you to kiss me." I smirked. He smirked back and put his hands on my face. He pulled my mouth to his and smiled into the kiss. I put my hand on his chest and sat up on the counter. I wrapped my legs around his waist and moved my arms around his neck. He pulled away slightly and breathed. "I seriously love you." He whispered. "You too." I breathed back and went back for more. I felt his hands go from my jaw to my hips. It sent a shiver up my spine. He pulled away. "Caitlin, I-" I cut him off and kissed him again. He smiled again. I could get used to this....

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