Is This Really Happening?

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By the time 11 o' clock rolled around, TJ and I hadn't stopped talking. He texted me one last time and said 'do you still want to skype?'. I said yes, and got onto Skype on my phone, and called him. "Hey babe," He answered. "Hey TJ," I smiled. "God, I love that smile." He laughed. "TJ," I laughed. "I'm gonna dye my hair red." He said. I wasn't sure how that was going to look, or how I felt about that, so all I said was, "Nice". "Yeah, I think so. So, do you like living with him?" TJ asked. "Yeah, I do. He bought me the most adorable dog ever." I giggled as Mayhem sat down by my feet. "Get up here, Mayhem!" I smiled, patting the spot next to me. "Cool name," TJ said as I pulled the dog into my lap. I showed him to TJ and then let him go. "Cute. So, he's buying your affection?" He asked. "No!" I said, deeply offended. "Uhh-huh." He said. "He's not!" I said, kind of whining. "You wanted me until he decided to get involved. Who sat in that coffee shop with you while it was raining, just to pass the time? Not him! Who offered to bring you back to the hotel, so you didn't have to walk alone? Not him! Who even introduced you to the rest of the band? Not. Him." TJ said. I was fighting back tears. "TJ..." I said, my voice shaky. "Who tried to fuck me when I said no, twice? Not him. Who scratched up my stomach and made me bleed? Not him. Who--" I started, but he cut me off. "Who did you say 'I love you' to, first? Not him..." He said quietly. That made me feel defeated. A tear fell, and then another. They continued for a few minutes. "I didn't mean to make you cry, but, I mean, he was always second place," TJ said. "Second place, to you." I said to myself. "I have to go, TJ." I said, about to click the 'End' button. "Wait, wait, babe, wait!" TJ said. "Why should I?" I demanded. "I'm sorry, it's just...." He sighed. "What TJ." I shreiked. "Don't yell... Please." He said. "Okay," I said. "If you'll stay to let me finish, I'll tell you why I'm being such an asshole right now." "Yes, please explain." I sniffled. "Okay, well... God, I don't know how to say this.... I... I really fucking like you and I'm mad that you picked my bandmate over me, even after we spent all that time together, and.... I just... I've been acting like I don't care for the past week and that's why I haven't been sleeping. I've been really worried about you, and I can only hope that Monte's taking care of you, and I just... I'm sorry I'm such a jerk." "TJ, I, Ohh my god...." I said, palming my face. "MONTE!!" I shouted into my hand. I felt my phone vibrate as TJ hung up. I saw a shadow come down the hall. "Yeah, babe?" He asked as he sat down next to me on the stairs. "Can you carry me to bed?" I asked. "Yeah," He smiled. I faked a smile. "That's not a real smile. What were you and TJ talking about?" He asked, picking me up. "Nothing," I lied. "C'mon, you can tell me." He said as he sat me down on his bed. "I wanna tell you, I just don't want to say it." I said. "Text it." He suggested. "Okay," I said quietly. I grabbed my phone and told him everything. After I sent it, he looked up at me and hugged me. "Don't ever let TJ convince you that I'm trying to buy your love. If I was, I wouldn't have much to offer. Just remember, if you're unhappy, I won't make you stay. I want you to be happy, even if it's not with me." He said. I let a tear slip. I couldn't picture a better place to be. I pulled out of the hug a little. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah," I smiled. "Good. But don't cry. Tears aren't pretty." He said, kissing the tear on my cheek away. "I'm crying because I'm happy." I said. "I love being here with you, and there's nowhere I'd rather be. I love Mike's complaining when we kiss. I love Mayhem, and Teddy, and Yoda. I love the coffee you make, and how you snore when you're asleep. I love how-- " He intterupted my speech. "I snore?!" "Yes, and I love it. I also love how I can't sleep on my own side of the bed, not that I'd want to. And... You know what I love the most?" I asked, looking into his eyes and smiling. "What?" He asked, making fun of me. "You," I said. A smile was plastered on his face. "I love you too," He said, pushing his lips into a pucker as he said 'too'. I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed his back flat on the bed. I dropped my elbows down on either side of his head and held his face. I crawled over his body as my hair dangled around his face. "Quit teasing me." He laughed. I lowered my face to his and gave him a kiss. I pulled away slowly, but he slid a hand into my messy hair and tangled his fingers into it. I was forced to kiss him again. It was better than the first. I felt myself being rolled over and then I felt weight on my waist. Monte's hands were at my hips now. He pulled away. "My door is open." He said, his voice airy. "So? Get Mike to close it." "And let him see this?" He asked. "I'd rather him see this than something else." I laughed. "True." Monte smirked. "MICHAEL!" We shouted. He showed up in the door way. "Wha- Woah, whatcha doin' there, bro?" He snickered. "Nothing yet. I was gonna ask if you could close my door, so you don't have to witness anything." I said. "Yeah, but if I hear anything.... I'm coming in, and saving her. I don't care if you're both naked." Mike said. "Oh, ew. Don't wait by the door." I laughed. Monte fidgeted. "Hold on." I said to him. "Alright, I'm closing the door now. Have fun." Mike shook his head and smiled. "Can I go back to kissing you now?" Monte asked. "You can do whatever you want." I said. He leaned down and kissed at my shoulder. He made his way up to my neck and then my jaw, to my lips. He pulled away. "You bit your lip didn't you?" He asked. "Yeah. Sorry, it's bleeding a little." "It's no big deal." He said, wiping a little bit of blood from the corner of my mouth. He went right back to kissing me. I brought my hand up to his neck, and put it on the back of it. I felt him shiver as my cold hand touched his warm skin. His fingers found their way to the bottom of my shirt. He pulled away a little. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" "Yeah." I breathed. And that was that.

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