Chapter Thirty: Adrien

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Adrien woke up to Verdi screeching.

"It's bath time for her," Sophie explained when Adrien asked. "Grady's only let me do it once so far because he's worried I might run into a near-death experience. Which I shouldn't be surprised."

The fact that Sophie talked about near-death experiences casually made Adrien feel a little worried himself.

"So..." Adrien said, trying to start the conversation up again. "Last night was interesting."

His fingers kept fiddling with the pendant the Black Swan had put inside the small box. Sophie apparently had already told Grady, Edaline, Alden, and Della about possibly bringing in Adrien and Marinette to the organization, that they could possibly get more information to help win the war.

He just couldn't believe all that had happened in the past two weeks.

He had been having nightmares about the Lost Cities and random moments that didn't make any sense.

Keefe had arrived, and Adrien wasn't aware that Keefe had been running away from the Lost Cities at the time.

He had begun to hear thoughts and feel people's emotions.

They had been brutally attacked by the Neverseen.

He realized that he was actually one of the most powerful elves to have existed.

He didn't know who his real parents were anymore.

He and Marinette had been erased from Paris, whether they were civilians or heroes.

He and Marinette were now living in the Lost Cities.

The elvin world had a connection to the Miraculous.

He had joined the Black Swan.

Marinette also joined the Black Swan.

He, Keefe, and Sophie were all feeling connections for some reason.

He could hear thoughts, feel emotions, speak any language, and inflict pain on others.

He and Sophie had the potential to be Cognates.

Marinette had a strange variation of an ability.

Keefe had a new ability that he had been trying to conceal all this time.

Keefe's mother was hiding secrets.

The Black Swan was being distant.

Only four other humans knew Adrien and Marinette existed.

The fact that all that had only happened in two weeks was pretty shocking.

"Hey, slow down," Sophie said. "You're thinking about this way too much."

"You're acting like this is normal," Adrien said, then wished he could take it back.

Especially wanted to take it back when Sophie shrugged and nodded like it was any old fact.

"You mean... you're used to this?" he asked, and Sophie nodded.

He wasn't sure why Iggy Jr. was clasped in his hands still (probably because it was only the crack of dawn and he was still half-asleep), but he held the stuffed imp closer to his chest.

"How... exactly did you get him?" Sophie asked.

"Oh, this guy?" Adrien stared down at Iggy Jr. "I think I remember getting him from some doctor. I don't fully remember what happened, but the next thing I knew, I was lying in the hospital bed, Iggy Jr. right next to me, with my... uh... Gabriel and Emilie were watching in worry the whole time. I think they said something about me finding some weird box filled with a bunch of stuff. I had found... ugh, I can't remember."

Keeper of the Lost Cities: The Second Moonlark (a KOTLC/MLB crossover)Where stories live. Discover now