Chapter III: Consideration

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The cold night has left an impact on Adagio's mind, imprinting the words Sunset told her back in the nightclub. As Adagio ends off the night, her fears come to reality and she realizes that she only has two choices. Heed Sunset's words or let her life drift further into the darkness. Will she make the right choice? Or will she be kicked even further down?

DISCLAIMER: This story does contain mentions of alcohol, slight violence, the feelings that life isn't worth it and/or suicidal thoughts, fire, profanity, mentions of a gun, suicidal thoughts and attempts, and mentions of a snake. Overall, this is supposed to be a romance fiction, but if these things are not to your liking, I would urge you to click off this story.

This story was edited by H_phone001 on AO3!
Also check out PoisonClaw's profile for proofreading and editing my work as well!


Chapter III: Consideration

The drenched wash cloth feels cold against my face, but it still stings when it presses against my left cheek and nose. I guess that's a bit of irony from the world, isn't it? It turns out that the texture on the back of my head was dried blood, but it seems that I'm not cut too badly. At least, I think so. Applying a disinfectant to the back of my head gently, I can't help but grimace at the constant stings of pain. It's pretty disheartening, to look in the cracked mirror and see the injuries all over me. Or, more specifically, to my face. A siren's goal is to conquer and make those below her kneel. At least, that's happiness, right? But here I am, battered and shown that just as easily as I can gain power, my hubris can take it away.

"Is there really only one way to be happy?" I say to my reflection, almost expecting an answer. To me, there's only been one way to be happy in this world. That method has been taken away from me and I suppose I deserve it. After all that's happened, it feels like life has no meaning anymore. If I can't be happy, then what is the point in breathing?
My hand grabs the cotton swabs and gently wipes away the remaining blood on my upper lip and under my nose. One thing can't seem to leave my mind though. That damn thing Sunset told me... She tried to tell me that I can be happy too, but in what way? I sigh and open the file cabinet, grabbing a pill container and swallowing two headache relievers. Why am I even considering her advice? If anything, she's the one that would try to ruin my life even more than she already has, right? It just feels too... skeptical to try and believe in her. My eyes look back down to the counter after drinking some water, focusing on my purse. The handle of the revolver pokes out a bit from the purse and a part of it shines. I avert my eyes almost immediately after, trying to keep my composure in front of my own reflection.

Sunset's words can't seem to leave my mind. I guess it's because I've run out of options so far, other than the one in my purse or her advice. It's awfully ironic that her words are the ones that I think about, considering the fact that she ruined me. I hate her. I hate what she did to me. But... when it comes down to it, she is the only one who wants to help. She tries to give me advice about life out of her own free time. I almost hate her more for that. She always has to be the hero, right? To try and redeem herself.

It still feels like a lie to believe I can be happy without power. I've never felt that way before and it pretty much goes against my own nature as a siren. Looking back at my purse, my mouth tilts into a frown and I push the bag away from me. It would be the honorable thing to do if I pulled that trigger again, right? To exit this world with the last bit of dignity to my name. But is it wrong of me to want to be happy..? A heavy sigh exits my lips as I slump against the bathroom wall, sliding down until I am sitting on the floor. Maybe honor and dignity aren't existent anymore. If I've already failed this badly, maybe I should go ahead and try my hand at being happy in other ways. I mean, if it fails, I could always go back to that option...
I gently rest my head against my knees and run my fingers through my hair, trying to think about my life and the situation I've been put in. My life will only keep going downhill if I don't change anything, but there's still the chance that being happy in other ways is impossible for me. I've clearly lost my own power and there's little to no hope of ever getting it back. Think, Adagio. Think. If there's a chance at being happy in life without power, is it worth it...?
Slowly, I extend my hand out in the air and grab onto nothing, acting like I am shaking another person's hand. "You win, Sunset. I'll try your dumb advice."

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