Chapter XIV: Unraveled

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Despite the former siren's fear of rejection looming overhead, the experiences with her friends forces her to learn a little faith and hope. Her fears and insecurities are faced head on as a friend reminds her to not wait for too long. Now, with all the support she can gather, Adagio commits to telling the truth and being honest. That is, until one final challenge presents itself. Is it time to walk away?
DISCLAIMER: This story does contain mentions of alcohol, slight violence, the feelings that life isn't worth it and/or suicidal thoughts, fire, profanity, mentions of a gun, suicidal thoughts and attempts, mentions of a snake, and small mentions to drugs and poison. Overall, this is supposed to be a romance fiction, but if these things are not to your liking, I would urge you to click off this story.
Hey, everyone! This chapter is my Valentine's Day special! I won't be too active until after the holiday, so I wanted to go ahead and release this early so that everyone can read it! We're getting close to the end, folks! This chapter is not yet edited fully, so pleas be kind on the criticism. As always, I will edit it later and please enjoy the show! :D


Chapter XIV: Unraveled

The sound of a song can always fill my heart, at least slightly. It's something that has always been in my soul... Music is not entirely a talent. It can be a gift when refined and presented to someone else. It's also something you have to work hard on, despite what some kids' movies will have you believe. I suppose I always believed I was a natural since the start... I did have an advantage with that gem, but honestly, I still practiced a lot. Every young siren did, but I seemed to take it more seriously. I mean, young sirens are expected to dominate when they're older, but they were still children, assumed to be playful and carefree. I was not like that... I focused my music into a craft that was almost unbeatable. Maybe that's why Sonata and Aria liked me...

Sonata came up to me at first to offer her stuffed animal when I was crying out of frustration for myself. Aria, on the other hand, wanted to practice her talents with me, realizing how serious I was about music. It's ironic that as soon as our music was taken away from us, we all split away from each other. I could blame it on that, but I know that the bigger reason is because I ruined it all. I can't help but wonder how they are doing... I guess one would say it's weak of me to worry about them, but I know that it's just my superiority complex that makes me believe that. Well, whatever remains of it...

"Hey, are ya okay?" Apple Bloom asks me, breaking me out of my thoughts instantly. Her yellow hand waving in front of my face tries to get my attention. Looking at her, I sigh quietly to myself looking at my studio office.

"Sorry, I was just thinking. The way you open your mouth to sing is still wrong," I say quietly, subsequently opening my mouth in the correct position and pointing to it.

"I-I'm sorry. I keep trying, but I forget once I go home and all." Apple Bloom's face has a sheepish look to it as she glances away from me.

"It's fine. Just study the textbook I gave you, alright?" I ask with a mildly annoyed tone, but I let it slide as I look at the clock. "Besides, our session is about done anyway. We can stop for now and pick it back up next week, if you would like?" Apple Bloom enthusiastically nods before sitting down on the chair in front of my desk, clearly waiting for me to sit as well. A curious smile comes on her face, something on her mind as I sit down across from her.

"So, did ya... you know? Did ya ask her out? For Valentine's Day?" she asks me quizfully, her eyes locked onto me. Again, Apple Bloom is so curious to hear the new details about my life, but I've come to expect that from her at this point.

Taking a deep breath, I sigh to myself, knowing the answer would disappoint her. "No, I haven't. I've kinda asked if she's doing anything for Valentine's, but she hasn't answered just yet..." Looking away from Apple Bloom, I grab my water bottle, again drinking a third of it before taking a breath. It seems teaching kids can often make one tired, no matter how young they are. Well, my body is young... My mind? Not so much.

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