Chapter XII: Around Every Corner

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The final wall comes tumbling down, wishing Adagio's old life goodbye and welcoming a new twist in fate. Adagio finally understands her true feelings for Sunset Shimmer, allowing her to voice them to someone who's been by her side the whole time. Just as things look like her life will end just around the next corner, new challenges prolong her friendship with Sunset just one more day. Adagio's mind is wrapped in fear, debating whether or not she should remain friends with Sunset Shimmer or to throw it all away in a single confession.

DISCLAIMER: This story does contain mentions of alcohol, slight violence, the feelings that life isn't worth it and/or suicidal thoughts, fire, profanity, mentions of a gun, suicidal thoughts and attempts, mentions of a snake, and small mentions to drugs and poison. Overall, this is supposed to be a romance fiction, but if these things are not to your liking, I would urge you to click off this story.

Hey, everyone! This chapter is not fully edited, but I wanted to post it now, even if it hasn't been that long since my last upload. Overall, I hope everyone enjoys this chapter and has a good day!


Chapter XII: Obstacles Around Every Corner

"I'll be there soon!" is the only thing that Apple Bloom texted me a few minutes ago. It's my first day back at the studio and of course, my first client is going to be late... I suppose it isn't that big of a deal, since Fancy Pants insisted I only take one student per day for the first week, even though I told him I am fine. I suppose that's a half truth. I'm mostly fine on the outside, disregarding the occasional back pain and migraine, but on the inside... Let's just say I've been a mess for a while. No matter what I try to do, my thoughts circle back around to her and I can't stop it. Even Sunset has realized something has been on my mind, asking me if everything's alright every so often. I need to get better at acting like I'm alright... Acting used to be one of my key talents, but I suppose that withered away with time. Or maybe the same night I tried to pull that trigger. A lot of me disappeared around then...

Slowly, I put my phone back into my pocket, sitting in one of the four armchairs in my office. As one of the only full-time teachers here, I got to have an office, designed by my choice. It's funny, more singing, instrument and choir teachers are temporarily hired here in the summer, but there are almost always three main hires, staying year round. Fortunately, I landed the interview, allowing me to be the head singing instructor. Not like it matters that much. Even if I do get an assistant, they are only here for a few weeks and that's it. I know this from what Rainbow told me... She's apparently worked here for a year and a half now, so she warned me about getting used to having a "rookie" as an assistant once summer comes.

My office is decorated in mostly purple décor, with a carpet and armchairs to match. I also have posters hung up on the walls, displaying inspirational musicians and quotes. Only one is different among these portraits. One poster, sitting right beside my desk, is a crudely drawn picture of three girls as rock stars, saying "You can do it!" The girls are yellow, white and orange respectively. A happy sigh comes out of my mouth as I shake my head. Maybe Apple Bloom will give me a distraction from the thoughts of the amusement park...

As if on cue, the door to my office opens, a yellow girl rushing in and plopping her bag down and closing the door behind her. Her breaths pant in and out of her body as she grips her sides, trying to catch her breath before looking up at me. Her orange eyes lock with mine and I can sense an apologetic tone in her stare. "H-hey, Adagio! Sorry that I'm late," she states, walking over and sitting down in front of my desk.

"It's not a problem. At least you let me know so that I didn't cancel our appointment," I say with a chuckle, taking a drink from my water bottle. "Besides, I have all day since you're my only appointment, so I have nothing to do but wait." Apple Bloom looks confused at my statement, leaning forward slightly.

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