Chapter VIII: Becoming a Better Friend

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Adagio Dazzle has a new challenge to think about. How can she be a better friend? Fortunately, the advice the Cutie Mark Crusaders give her could help her become a better friend to Sunset Shimmer, but all of Adagio's confidence is thrown out the window when an unexpected guest joins them. Adagio's wild rollercoaster of a life continues to get crazier...

DISCLAIMER: This story does contain mentions of alcohol, slight violence, the feelings that life isn't worth it and/or suicidal thoughts, fire, profanity, mentions of a gun, suicidal thoughts and attempts, mentions of a snake, and small mentions to drugs and poison. Overall, this is supposed to be a romance fiction, but if these things are not to your liking, I would urge you to click off this story.

This chapter is also not fully edited, so I do apologize if it has errors, but I did put my heart into this and I hope some of you will enjoy.


Chapter VIII: Becoming a Better Friend

Walking down the street, I can't help but be a little annoyed at the three companions following me this whole trip. The Cutie Mark Crusaders begged for me to let them watch my progress today, even if it is learning how to be a friend. They all gave me good advice I suppose, but the constant questions got on my nerves slightly. Even Scootaloo, who was previously opposed to helping me, came around and started to believe I can change myself. It's... still weird of me to think that. Trying to change myself... I suppose it's understandable due to me trying to find happiness, but I'm not trying to do this for anyone else... I'm trying to do this for me.

"Now whatcha going to do?" Apple Bloom asks me yet again. This must be the fourth time she's tried to remind me on this walk alone. I force a smile on my face and pat Apple Bloom's head. She has been skipping along my side this whole walk, probably out of excitement, whereas her other friends were either riding along roller skates or just walking. The Crusaders even made me wear a red wool jacket to compliment the grey sweater and scarf I had on. Fortunately, they didn't have many other fashion choices when it came to my jeans and boots. I would hate to see what they could drag out of Rarity's closet. Still, a part of me felt bad that they forced me to wear this jacket. I just need to return this as fast as possible after today...

"I'm going to walk in there and be confident in myself," I say, slowly breathing in and out.

"And then what?" Sweetie Belle asks me, staring into my soul from my right. Putting my hands into the pockets of the red jacket, I sigh quietly. Still, Sweetie Belle's stare persists.

"Then I will be as kind as I can be and keep conversation interesting." As I say this, Scootaloo turns around and skates backward to face me as we walk. Scootaloo apologized to me profusely before we began this walk, since she felt she owed me the benefit of the doubt, but I told her she didn't owe me anything. Ever since, she's tried to be just as friendly as the others, but it's clear she still feels bad for what happened a little less than a week ago.

"And most importantly?" Scootaloo asks me, expertly angling her skates to dodge rocks in the sidewalk. I still have no idea how she does that.

"Be true to myself," I say slowly, closing my eyes and breathing into the scarf. The momentary warmth reminds me why I'm doing this, to be friends with Sunset Shimmer, an all around special and warm person...

Shaking my head, I realize the three of them are still staring at me with wide smiles. For a second, I feel a little freaked out at all their stares. "What?" I ask in an annoyed tone.

"We know you're going to do great!" Apple Bloom says before hugging me again. I have come to expect the constant hugs from the yellow hulkling in disguise, but it still pushes most of the air out of my lungs easily. Either I'm super weak or she's super strong and I choose to believe the latter. What I didn't expect is for all three of them to be huggers. In a moment, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo hug me as well, trying to reassure me that I'll do well, but I still feel like this is a bit much. Finally, the three girls let go of me and we continue walking before Scootaloo stops us.

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