Bonus Chapter II: Friday's Observations

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Bonus Chapter II: Friday's Observations

Hello, everyone! This is the second bonus chapter for A Dazzling World~! Once again, this chapter is a birthday gift to my friend, Mon668, so I hope everyone can give her a happy birthday in the comment section! The timeline of this chapter also happens during the time jump in chapter 9 before it talks about Adagio's work life at the music studio~ That time jump is meant to symbolize a few weeks passing and these bonus chapters are supposed to flesh out that part of the story a little more, making the transformation from friends to lovers more realistic~ Hopefully, everyone will like what I've cooked up for this chapter!

If you haven't checked out the sequel to this story yet, I really hope you do go and read it~! It's titled A Shimmering Heartbreak and you should be able to find it under my profile~ Have a happy birthday, Mon! I hope everyone enjoys this short addition to the story and I apologize for the short word count~ Enjoy the show!


Knocking on the front door of Sunset's apartment, I can't help but smile as I hold a notebook and pencil bag. Normally, I would tell Apple Bloom of my steps to be Sunset's friend, but for some reason, I decided to keep our meet up today a secret. Maybe I didn't want Apple Bloom to come spy on us or whatever... She tends to do that sometimes, as aggravating as it can be. I suppose she's just trying to help, but still. To be honest, this is the first time I've actually come to Sunset's apartment to hangout, even if we are going to be studying for the first half of our time together.

I don't take classes myself, but Sunset could apparently use the help studying for an upcoming test in psychology. Honestly, I don't know jack shit about the terms used in psychology classes, but I suppose I could always help Sunset learn different things. Knowledge is a form of power and I guess I've always strived to keep learning, either about the people around me or the environment I live in. The reason I didn't graduate from high school isn't because I found it hard to study, but it was simply due to a lack of motivation after the battle of the bands. I mean, why continue with something when there's not much point anymore, right? If anything, I could learn anything I put my mind to, I just didn't want to. Hopefully, I can do a good enough job to help both of us learn the terms and whatever else may be on that test.

The sound of the door's locks clicking open shakes me from my thoughts, bringing my eyes back up to the door quickly. As soon as the door opens, I see that all too familiar fiery hair when Sunset comes into view, her warm smile appearing on her face once more. She's always able to make me forget the hardships of my life with just a simple grin and I still don't know how she does it. Maybe just seeing her happy makes me happy. Though, it's weird that I feel that way after only being her friend for a few weeks now. "Hey, Adagio~ How are you doing?" she asks me in a kind tone while she gestures for me to come inside. "I was just organizing things around here actually~ I didn't know if you were going to be early or not~" Walking a few steps inside, I slowly take off my hoodie and look around the living room. Sure enough, a bunch of school supplies are resting on the coffee table in front of the couch, a textbook as thick as my calf being the first thing to stand out to me.

"That's your textbook?" I motion towards the book as I hang my hoodie on the coat rack next to the door, feeling a little nervous about this study session. It seems like I'm not the only one though since a nervous chuckle comes from Sunset's lips as she tries to smile.

"Yeah... It's a lot of material to read per chapter, but at least this test is only going through the first three~" Three... Three chapters. All in one day? If I miraculously don't die of boredom, I don't know how I will stay awake...

"Okay. Do you have a study guide or something to narrow down what you need to study?" I ask hesitantly, walking over to the couch and opening my pencil bag.

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