Chapter VI: Can We Be Friends?

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After a long night of consideration, Adagio finally comes to the conclusion that she genuinely wants to give friendship a try. Friendship seems like a good place to start to keep happiness in her life and it was cheap. Only problem? She doesn't know who would want to be her friend. Other than one person. The person she once hated and the one she blew off the last time they met. Sunset Shimmer...

DISCLAIMER: This story does contain mentions of alcohol, slight violence, the feelings that life isn't worth it and/or suicidal thoughts, fire, profanity, mentions of a gun, suicidal thoughts and attempts, and mentions of a snake. Overall, this is supposed to be a romance fiction, but if these things are not to your liking, I would urge you to click off this story.

This chapter is also not fully edited, so I do apologize if it has errors, but I did put my heart into this and I hope some of you will enjoy.


Chapter VI: Can We Be Friends?

The day after Christmas can always be slightly depressing. All of the store decorations are taken down as well as all the advertisements for Christmas shopping. The bright lights are not anywhere to be seen, amplifying the already cold and dead atmosphere of winter. It's always been the worst time of the year in my opinion. The frosty winter isn't done with and all the cheerful things are put away, waiting at least another month through the damn cold. I sigh, causing a cloud to form from my lips as I stand outside the nightclub, holding a cup of my favorite whiskey in one hand. Perhaps it's just my hesitation to start the walk, but something makes me wait. The only solace one can gain from the time after Christmas is possibly a birthday or New Years, but even then, those are fleeting.

Softly, my hand reaches up to the scarf gently wrapped around my neck, the smell of blueberries in its soft fabric. Really, it felt like an expert made this. I wouldn't be surprised if Sunset had Rarity make this, though a bad feeling rises in my stomach. I suppose I feel guilty for taking up Sunset's time and energy...? I groan slightly, bringing my hand to my forehead and pushing myself off of the wall I'm leaning on. "I suppose now would be a better time than any, right?" I say with a slight yawn. Looking at the time on my new flip phone, I see that it's halfway to five in the afternoon. The phone itself isn't in great condition, but at least it was cheap. I had to save a couple weeks of my salary to buy it, but it would help me keep contacts if I need to. When would I ever need to save a contact? Maybe today...

Walking away from the nightclub, I take a big sip from my cup and let out a relieved breath. Technically, I'm still on shift, but I can't care less honestly. With everything that's happened in my life this month, I need to do this. I don't give a damn if they get angry about my absence, because it doesn't really matter any way I look at it. I take a deep breath and grab onto my scarf again.

Isn't it... too late? For me to be friends with someone? Much less Sunset Shimmer...? I stabbed everyone in the back at the battle of the bands, giving most more than enough reason to hate me... Why do I think I can even be friends with her...? Rubbing my head slightly, I sigh in a disappointed tone. Maybe it's because she actually tried to help me or that she guided me to find happiness... Or maybe it's that smile of hers that I want to see again... Her cyan eyes... I shake my head gently as I walk. I know that she probably won't want to be friends, but... isn't it worth a try? Who knows? Maybe life will surprise me once more, especially after finding that I can be happy, a feat I once thought impossible.

I walk past a corner and see Garden Hooves Park again, smirking slightly. Apple Bloom did help me quite a bit on that day and I suppose I'm still thankful to her for it. Though, it surprises me to see Apple Bloom at the park again, wearing her red cape and holding a map in her hands. At least, it looks like a map. Her confused face looks at the paper, turning it in multiple directions. Her wagon is yet again behind her, holding an assortment of items now, such as a telescope, an apple juice jar and what looked like a baseball bat. Walking to the gate of the park, I stop and I can't help but think about thanking her for her help a couple weeks ago. I hesitate to walk into the park, wanting to preserve my pride instead of expressing my gratitude, but it only lasts a moment.

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