Bonus Chapter I: A Siren's Call

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Bonus Chapter I: A Siren's Call

Author's Note: Hello, everyone! Thanks for reading my story so far! It's probably surprising to see an update to this story after it was completed a few months ago, but I have a special reason why I'm making this bonus chapter. Today is Mon's birthday! Mon668 is one of my best friends and the beta reader for my current story, so I wanted to celebrate her birthday with a big surprise~! Mon always wanted bonus chapters for this story to see even more moments between Sunset and Adagio, so I plan on writing TWO bonus chapters~ Yep, two! This bonus chapter takes place during chapter 9 of my story right after the first scene, since the second scene takes place a few weeks afterward~ This chapter aims to show a couple more times Sunset and Adagio hung out before chapter 9's sleepover~ As with everything, I hope everyone has a good day~ Please wish Mon a very happy birthday in the comments, even if you're late to the party~! It would mean a lot to me and even more to her~ Anyway, enjoy the show!


Walking into the studio, I can't help but sigh to myself, rubbing my forehead slightly. There wasn't much sound within the studio other than faint guitar sounds from one of the closed off rooms, but sound isn't the reason why my head hurts. Honestly, I am not sure why my head hurts. I just woke up with this big migraine despite my attempt at getting a full night's sleep. The lack of work at the studio is both lucky and unfortunate at the same time. I've only been working here for around a week now and I kind of wish we had more customers, but the quiet atmosphere actually helps with my migraine today.

Walking around to the counter, I lean on it slightly and look at Fleur, once again sporting a new attire and hairdo. "Hey, Fleur. Anything on my schedule?" I ask in a tired voice, trying to assess how much I need to get done today before I can leave. Honestly, all I really want to do today is talk to Sunset... It was really nice the last time we hung out, so maybe she would be willing to see me again? I mean, she admitted we're friends, so there's no reason to be that worried, right...?

Looking up from the monitor, Fleur's expression turns to one of confusion as she sees my pained face. "Are you alright, Dazzle?" she asks in a polite tone, looking concerned just before pulling out my file from a drawer next to her.

"I will be... Thanks for asking, though." Looking down at the file in Fleur's hand, I try to make out the names on my schedule, even though they appear upside down to me.

"Alright, it looks like you have an appointment in an hour with a girl named Silver Spoon, but after that? Nothing until the end of your schedule." Huh... Silver Spoon, huh? From how she acts to me, I didn't assume she wanted to come back and learn from me since our interaction four days ago, but I guess she treats everyone like that. Hopefully, she will be better this time around, but I doubt it.

"Okay, thanks, Fleur," I state blandly, walking away from the counter after she nods. I wish I had known I could have woken up an hour later, but I suppose I can use this time to... do what exactly? Think about Sunset more...? Actually, I could... text her, right...? She wasn't totally against me contacting her besides our meetups, right?

Opening the door to my office, I can't help but breathe in with relief, now that I can finally have some privacy from my long walk here. Quickly, I take out my phone, walking over to my chair behind my desk. Navigating to the text icon on my screen, a small smile comes to my mouth, seeing the three contacts saved in my phone. The first one is Rainbow Dash. Oddly enough, she and I get along pretty well. She also works here at the studio, which was a surprise to me, but I don't know if I can call her a friend yet. The second contact is a... friend... At least, that's what Apple Bloom says we are. Since I'm still new to this whole friendship thing, it's hard for me to know exactly what qualifies as a friend. I suppose if two people enjoy their company enough, then they qualify as friends? Two people who can... have a meaningful conversation in a taco shop of all places. Does it still qualify as friendship if one party thinks about the other and what they like? That's kind of where Sunset and I are at this point. Sunset says we're friends and all, but I guess it feels odd, thinking that maybe she doesn't enjoy our meetups as much as I do.

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