Chapter X: A New Low, A New High

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Perhaps some things are best left for another day... Adagio Dazzle has a new challenge confront her, but with the help of a person close to her, maybe she will get over it. Only time will tell~

DISCLAIMER: This story does contain mentions of alcohol, slight violence, the feelings that life isn't worth it and/or suicidal thoughts, fire, profanity, mentions of a gun, suicidal thoughts and attempts, mentions of a snake, and small mentions to drugs and poison. Overall, this is supposed to be a romance fiction, but if these things are not to your liking, I would urge you to click off this story.

Hey, everyone! This chapter is not fully edited, but I wanted to post it now, even if it hasn't been that long since my last upload. Overall, I hope everyone enjoys this chapter and has a good day!


Chapter X: A New Low, A New High

Good god... everything hurts... Why do I hurt so bad...? Even my arms hurt. It feels like I broke my back and god, my skull... What did I do to cause this much fucking agony? I just want it to end, please... What did I do? What happened? Why can't I open my damn eyes? And what the hell is that sound? Every second, there's a loud beep, screeching into my ear. Then again, my ears feel sensitive, so I'm not exactly sure how loud it truly is. God... Just beep beep beep beep. Every fucking second... Why does this hurt so bad...? Why do I hurt so bad...? Please, just let this end... Is there nothing that can at least ease this?

Suddenly, a loud slam echoes in my ears as I hear dozens of footsteps. The damned beeping keeps increasing, going at an incredible rate. What's going on? Every time I try to open my eyes or mouth, it doesn't work... I can't even move my fingers.

"Damn it! She's convulsing! Get me Nurse Redheart and another IV unit! Someone get a neurosurgeon down here as well! I want to know exactly what's going on with her!" A man's voice yells in my ear like one of those damned hospital shows. Wait. Is that what's-

A large wave of electricity courses through my body in an instant, making me feel like my chest got in a fight with a boxer and lost. My mouth finally opens, but only to let out air. Whatever this is, it's torture... All this noise, pain, confusion... Please make it sto-


Black is the color of a raven. At least, that's what I was told. It's also the color of the night, unless the magic of the moon illuminates an otherwise dull time, making it a dark blue... Both can be the color of death. Both can be signs of death. We focus so much on the negatives of black and blue and we can only see the potential danger in it all... Once upon a time, I sang under the stars with no fear in my mind. I sang to the top of the world, all with my two friends who were close enough to be my sisters. Now the night heralds a potential threat and it often fills me with dread. I want to feel free in this cool breeze once more, to collect my thoughts in the serenity of the world's vast and empty realm of the night. Alas, I can't... I have new limits to my body... and even my voice.

Is it a good change? To be more vulnerable? In some ways, no. It presents a new danger that you have to be aware of at all times. In other ways, I suppose yes. Being more vulnerable is the precise thing that allowed me to find happiness... It allowed me to find a friend and be able to bond with her over a relatively short amount of time. Only a month and a half ago, I was a mess of a siren, lost in the world with no angle to go forward, only spiraling downward in a pit of hate for everyone else. I don't know how I crawled out of that pit, but I did with the help of her advice. It still rings in my mind every so often, telling me to push forward and know my own worth. The problem with vulnerability? I still don't know my worth... She keeps telling me I am worthy of friends and a happy life, but I can't bring myself to believe what she says, especially after everything I've done.

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