Part 3

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I came home and sit on my bed and think how can I take permission from family. Ugghhhh but I have to. I stand up and go to the mirror and watching myself. I look like scared cat. Somehow I get some power and go downstairs where my full family sitting. I stand on the stairs and cough a little to get everyone's attention..


"Honey are you okay?" My mom asked
"I'm fine, I just wanted to say something to you all!!" I said and everyone's face got serious and this picture nervous me a lot.

"Go on we can listen you" Stacy my elder sister speak

"Umm the thing is I got invitation from my friend for New Year and I really wanted to celebrate with her. I know you guys wanted me to stay with but this year please let me go." I just spoke and the silence is rounding

After a minute "Well Stella it's our family rules that celebrate New Year together" My dad spoke.

"I know dad but" he didn't let me finished

"I didn't finished yet. You can go but since today you're not gonna join with us anymore for any New Year celebration. Choice is yours now. Family or friends." My dad finished his speech. He is really strict person he don't like jokes or fun. He don't talk to much but forget it. This is insane.

"Dad I'm not kid anymore. I'm 20 years old. I can make my own choice. Stop controlling my life. You never say anything to Stacy or Dean. So why all rules for me? Why they always have fun but not me? And that's it. I don't want to be a part of your fucking celebration. I'm going and this New Year party is going to be best party in my whole life. Enjoy your fucking party." I anger turned into cry and I was so mad at I screamed at my dad and my family like this is totally shit.

So I went to my room and grab all things I needed. And leave my house. But when I was about to take a taxi, my mom stopped me and say

"Stay Stella you know your dad's natura. He's gonna upset too much"

"And what about me mom? Huh? Shouldn't I deserve some happiness? I always tried to be a good girl to him but you know what he never adore me. So this time please don't stop me. I love you and you let me go." I finished as soon as I called taxi and leave my mom and went to Lucy's house.

Lucy hugged me and I let my cry and she gives me one room to stay but her house wow she decorate so well I must say.

"Honey get ready, our guest will be come any minute" Lucy said

"Okay mam. " We both laughed and she leaved my room, I didn't waste a min and get started ready for eve. I done my hair and I choose to wear black dress. I am so excited for this. I apply so glossy lipstick and I did makeup to my face.

It's 9pm Lucy came to my door and asked me to come out. I was so nervous for nothing and when Lucy saw me her face was

" Omg who is she? Babe you look so hot and gorgeous. Ahh I'm so jealous."

" Lucy look at you. You're the one who is so hot."

"Yeah I have to admit." Lucy said. Sometimes Lucy is so narcissist. But ignore it.

Lucy have such a big house and her parents don't live with her so she have all house by herself. Lucy came from rich family.

Guest starting coming. And everyone have partner for themselves expect me. I got downstairs. There's a lot of drinks. Some people are busy in dancing some are singing and some are busy to smack their gf lips. God. I saw Lucy from distance she is busy with her friends so I don't disturb her. I'm just walking around the house and I got a glass on my hand and sit on the chair. Suddenly

"Is this Stella?" A voice came from far

I look up and saw it's my old friend Seth " Seth omg how are you? It's being so long we didn't met?

"I'm fine but look at you. You're not look like before you're now so hot."

Seth and I used to be friends but I don't know why we stop talking after school end. He is a good boy.

"So who you bring with you?" I asked

" I didn't bring anyone." With a naughty smile

But I know he'll bring someone cause Seth always have chick for himself "You don't need to lie."

" Well yeah I have someone with me cause I have to kiss someone on New Year." He said

"Okay Seth have a great time" I said and went to another hall

It's 11.50 pm only 10 minutes left to New Year and I still didn't got any boy to kiss me. Fuck me there is a lot of people but everyone is booked. Ugghh I hate my life....

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