Part 5

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Stella aka Y/N pov,

I had few drinks. And I know I'm little bit drunk. There is a lot of people around me and I am so lost. I see couple everywhere and this making me so pissed off. So I went to the drink counter and when I was ordering for a one drink a guy asks me I bet you his voice is so deep and beautiful. And the lights are so low I couldn't see his face. But he was asking a question I was answering him and somehow I say something that I shouldn't say to him.

" So you want kiss?" He asked

"Who doesn't want kiss?" I replied and I know that I f***** up this one.

"Btw what's your name?" I asked

"It's Stella like star" I replied.

We got silence and everyone started counting for new year and I just turn around. I don't want to see people kissing each other cause I don't have anyone by my side. And when the time is up suddenly I feel someone lips on me. I realise that it was that guy who was talking with me.

OMG OMG he is kissing me I can stop him but I don't want to. His lips is so soft and smooth it fit on my lips so perfect. I just closed my eyes in standing front of him and he is pressing his lips against mine. I feel butterflies in my stomach and this is my new year I finally got kiss but I don't know who is he.

My hands are getting cold and his hand on my waist. I feel losing myself so I put my hands on his neck suddenly I feel something. Something that I never felt before. Then he slowly removed his lips from mine and gently wished me Happy New Year.

I was about to wish him the same but his phone started ringing.

"I have to take it Stella" he said to me.

"But you'll come right?" I said in a quietly. I don't want him to go.

"Ofc but first I have to take this." He replied

You was walking away from me and something came into my mind suddenly there I didn't even ask his name so I just shout it loud but there is a so loud music that he didn't even hear it.

I waited for me 10 minutes 20 minutes 50 minutes but he didn't show up. How stupid I am that I didn't even ask his name the whole time!!! Shame on you Stella shame on you. People start leaving the party and I was still drinking and my everything is started blurry

Harry POV

Shit I am kissing her. Somehow I found this kiss so personal I mean I get butterflies in my tummy. I have to kiss Olivia for some reason but I never gets this feeling that I am having now. She was just closed her eyes and following what I'm doing.
F*** what's happening to me? Suddenly my phone started being me any to ask from my manager Jeff. I have to stop the kiss and take the phone. So I went outside cause I am not hearing anything because the loud music. I told her that I will be back to her.

"Harry where the f*** you are? You're supposed to be with us. Doo you remember the contact? You can't do anything against the contract. So wherever you are just come and show up yourself" Jeff was talking and he didn't let me talking for second.

He hung up The phone and I have to go that's the fact I can't do anything against the contract. I want to go inside and talk to her but maybe my fate doesn't allow me to see her again. It was so nice being with her.

I just stand outside front of the door just like my heart's want to stay but my feet don't want to do I take car and leave but I was smiling whole road it still gives me butterflies when she was holding my neck.

I reached my hotel back to the old routine. There is so many paparazzi waiting outside us and I have to get into from the back door. Then there is a Jeff and Olivia is waiting for me. I can tell Jeff face was so angry so I didn't say anything and take Olivia's hand with me and went outside. And there is a lots of picture media and paparazzi took. I know there will be breaking news for tomorrow that, "Harry and Olivia romance is so cute" blah blah blah..... Sometimes I hate my life sometimes I want to live the real life, normal life........

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