Part 7

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Harry POV

We came the house by walking. I walked through the door with her. And I must say this house is huge like whoever owner he or she is a rich person. Stella was smiling all the time. And whenever I make eye contact with her she just remove her eyes from mine and blush. I can see her cheeks getting red whenever I talk with her. It's kinda cute. So Stella said that sit on the couch as I did. Then she started calling her friend. She was shouting Lucy Lucy. I guess her friend is a girl whose name is Lucy and then I saw a girl coming from upstairs. She is wearing a huge size shirt and nothing else like she is getting up from her bed. I stand up from the couch in stand beside Stella and she is coming to towards us.

"Is it Harry Styles?" Her friend asked

"Hello I'm Harry Styles." I said while I give my hands to shake. But she come to me and hug me and maybe by mistake Stella little pushed by her.

"Are you fine?" I asked Stella. She is just nodded.

"Hello Harry I'm Lucy Gomez" she said "And I'm sorry Stella I didn't mean to" she also added.

"So how you both come together?" Lucy asked while sitting on couch with that shirt and I must say she have hotness.

"I was coming from the interview and suddenly I crushed into him and that's how I met him" Stella said with a big smile.

"Ohh that's cool but how did you recognize him? I mean you didn't hear any of his music and never talked about him." Lucy asked Stella and I was little bit shocked like she didn't even hear my music and when I saw Stella, she was nervous.

"I just did. Btw I get the job. Yayy" Stella change the topic but I really want to know

"Congratulations. Harry what do you want to eat?" Lucy asked

"No I'm fine. Thank you." I said, still thinking why Stella didn't..

"Harry you know I am a great at making coffee you should eat my handmade coffee" Stella said with the huge hope. "Pleaseeeeeeeee" she also added

"Okay" I said and she went to the kitchen to make us coffee and now we are here alone I mean me a Lucy. She is talking and talking and my mind still stuck on Stella word like why she didn't hear my music. But the main question is why I am care about her? Like I just met her yesterday and she didn't even remember that me and stella kissed each other.

"Harry are you listening me?" Lucy snapped at me.

"Yeah yeah."

"So are you really gonna stay tonight?" Lucy said and my head hit on the wall like what

"Umm no Lucy you know my game I can't stay." I replied

"Yes he can't stay." A voice came from behind it's Stella holding 3 coffee cups.

"Please harry stay. We'll have fun. Look it's almost evening and there is no flight tonight and I have a huge house, there is a lot of rooms here. You can stay here and take what room you want. Just please stay" Lucy was requesting but I was waiting for Stella say something but she stand there numb. Idk what happen but I turned my face from Stella and looking at Lucy. I was about to say no

"Please harry stay" Lucy again add

"Okay I guess I have to stay." I replied and Lucy hugged me again. This making me little uncomfortable.

"Here the coffee" Stella said and I saved a seat for her next to me but she didn't sit there. "Lucy I have a some work tonight maybe I'll be late just don't wait for me." Stella said that means she's not going to be here I have to stay with this annoying shit. Sorry for my language but idk why I feel this.

"Okay okay just come fast. But take your time" Lucy said to Stella I mean what that mean. First she said come fast then take your time like wtf.

"How's the coffee?" Stella asked with her sweet voice

"It's yummy, great." I said and she smiles and I noticed she have dimple like me.

We chat all evening and Stella went to upstairs for getting ready and suddenly a person came scarching Lucy so Lucy went to the door and I was walking the house alone. I saw all the rooms at downstairs and now I'm going upstairs. There's a third room where the door is little bit open. I don't want to sneak peck . But I did. I saw Stella getting ready for a work. She was struggling with her back zip. Her hand can't reach down. Suddenly Stella noticed me standing outside....

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