Part 10

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Stella POV

It's been 1 month since all this happened. I leaved Lucy's house after that. I never saw Harry since that night. It's hard to forget what happened. But now I get a job I have my own house and I'm doing so well. Two days ago our boss had his retirement. Today there will be a new boss in our company. So our manager said that we'll be there in time. Our old Boss was good I mean he helped me in a lot of ways. I don't know what is going to be with this new boss but we all are so excited to meet with him.

It's 9 o'clock in the morning I reached in my office. Everyone is waiting for the entrance of a new boss. Now it's 10 o'clock he didn't come yet. He is late in his first day. My cabin is next to the the boss room in opposite way so I can say everything. Suddenly I saw our manager is coming upstairs with a guy who is wearing black tight jeans and a blazer sunglass on his face. I am looking at him from behind. He is standing front of me I mean he is standing in his office room I was seeing him from my room. It's hard to to catch the face but suddenly my cell phone ring up I immediately picked up

"Hello, this is Stella the computer assistant." I said

"Hello Stella, I am Shawn the manager."

"Oh yes sir, Is there any problem?" I asked

"You have to come right now to your new Boss office room. I have to introduce you with him cause you are going to be his personal assistant." He said cause I was assisted previous one.

"Sure sir give me a minute." I hung up the phone. I have mini mirror in my purse so I grab the mirror from my purse and look at myself if I am looking good or messy but I think I am a perfect. I get up and started walking towards to the room. I finally reached there and knock at the door

"Can I come in?" I asked

"Sure" a new voice came from inside

When I opened the door my jaw was dropped. What the f***. Our new boss is Harry. Harry Edward Styles. Shit no please if this is a dream I want to wake up. Someone come and pinch me or just slap me but please this can't be real. My smiley face is fading away. He was sitting front of me with smirk.

"Stella can you hear me?" Shawn snap me I was lost.

"Uhh yeah yeah." I replied taking a deep breath. After one month he came again why I just about to forget everything and why God why?

"Shawn, Is your employee always lost in her thoughts?" Harry asking the manager with a naughty smile.

"No. She is talented one. And she is your personal assistant. Meet Stella." Manager said and I was like no no no I can't be his personal assistant.

"Stella shake the hand" Shawn whispered me.

I give my hand to shake and he looked at my hands for a second I was so nervous then he shake my hand

"Nice to meet with you Stella. It'll be great to work with you." He didn't leave my hand and looking at my eyes. He was holding my hand so tight and warm, I was lost again in his eyes.

"I have to go. If you need anything you can call me by this cell phone. Thank you and welcome." I just said and walked away from there. I was full on shock what's going on. I was sitting in my cabin like a ghost suddenly

"Wtf is happened to you?" I got scared but it was Shawn. Shawn is our manager but he is also my friend. I'm free with him.

"Shawn I don't want to be his assistant. Please choose someone else but not me." I said

"Look Stella no one is here who is perfect for this job. You fit in there so perfect and Harry is a good guy. I know him and he is helpful. You don't need to be stressed out. He'll understand you. Give him some time." Shawn trying to explain but I didn't hear anything my mind is still stuck on that face. That heart touching face. Fuck.

"So it's final. You're Harry's personal assistant." Shawn declared

I stayed quiet cause I got no option.

"Today I have to introduce Harry with everyone. So you don't have lots of work. But tomorrow is going to be like before, like busy. Got it?" Shawn said and leave the room.

I covered my face with my hands. I feel angry want cry but I like harry no no no I can't. Lots of things on my mind when I remove my hands from my face, my eyes catch harry, he was looking at me with a weird smile ugghhhhhhgg

Ignore the grammatical mistake 🙏

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