Part 8

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Stella POV

I was so embarrassed by Lucy. I mean she told harry I don't hear his music but it's not Lucy's fault, I was the one who doesn't share my secret with her. And I don't want Harry stay this house cause I know if he stay in this house he'll fall for Lucy, Everyone fall. That's why I said he can't stay here but Lucy is so stubborn that she made harry stay. Harry was looking at me like he have questions. But I have to meet one of my friend who can give me shelter so I walk away from them and came to my room. I was getting ready. I put some makeup, put some rose colour lipstick and my zipper is still one. I'm trying to close the zipper but my hands can't reach bottom and I feel like someone watching me so I turned around and saw Harry was standing on my door.

"Harry" I said quietly.

"I'm sorry Stella, I was looking the house. I didn't mean that." Harry said

"It's okay." I replied and get back to the zipper

"Wanna some help with it?" Harry asked

"No it's okay I can do it." I replied didn't notice he stayed or gone.

Suddenly I feel cold hand on my back. It's Harry's. I see him on the mirror.

"Sometimes we all need someone's help. Admit that." Harry said while he was focusing on my zip. While he was touching my back I feel goosebumps coming on my body. There's a lot of butterflies flying on my tummy. Suddenly the zip stuck with something and it's not coming up.

"Uggh it's stuck with something. If you don't mind can I?" Harry asked while watching me mirror from my back and I just nodded.

Suddenly I feel his lips on my back. The zipper stuck with thread. And he was cutting it but his teeth. He bend over and I feel his wet lips on my back and his teeth was pinching me. I couldn't help but shakes coming on my body. I'm trying myself hold up. God please finish it. He finally cut it and close the zip. And stand up again "Perfect" the word came from his mouth.


Harry POV

Stella caught me watching her. So I just asked her if she need any help with zipper but she denied me. But I am watching her struggling with the zipper so I just get into the room and help her. I can see a her in a mirror. She was closed her eyes when I was zipping her dress. I feel her goosebumps up. But the yarn is stick with her dress so I just remove it by my mouth. She is smells so nice. God what am I doing? Fuck you Harry. You just met her nothing else. Suddenly I heard my name coming from far. It's Lucy. Stella all on sudden pushed me and hide me under the bed. What the fuck is going on?

"Hey Stella did you see harry?" Lucy asked

"No. Why?" Stella replied.

"I just went for a talk with a guy and suddenly he is gone. Now I'm scarching him. But he is no where." Lucy replied.

"He will be anywhere. Searching properly." Stella replied with a cracked voice.

"Btw you look hot babe. Your date is gonna be intense" Lucy said and my jaw was dropped. Stella is going on a date. Why?

"Lucy shut up." Stella said with a fake smile and Lucy leave. Then Stella go and locked the door. She came and helped me to get up.

"Harry I'm so sorry that I pushed you like that. I was scared what if Lucy saw us together like this. I'm really sorry. Are you hurt? I didn't mean to hurt you......" Stella was talking and I see her eyes full of water. And sometimes I lose control on myself so I grabbed her waist and kissed her. She is not drunk today. She is on her full sense. Her lips moving and fits on mine. She didn't even try to stop me. My both hands on her waist but slowly she started touching my cheeks which making me red. She taste so good. I opened my eyes but her eyes still closed suddenly she pushed me away.......

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