Part 9

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"This is so wrong Harry. We can't do this. what are you doing?" Stella said with a scared voice

"I don't know. I don't really know what is happening."

"You can't kiss me. You are in relationship with Olivia. And it made me like I'm slut or a chick but I'm not. And you just know me for hours. Don't you think it's too early?" Stella said with a cracked voice

"For your kind information I know you from last night. Maybe you don't remember but I was the one who kissed you at midnight and it is all your fault. You bring me here." I said with a loud voice

"Wh- what?" Stella is about to cry. Maybe I scared her.

"Ok listen I am sorry. I didn't mean to scared you but it's the truth. You are drunk last night and you are too much sad that no one's gonna kiss you. So I just kissed you." She was lost and I was about to hold her but pushed my hand

"No harry no! This can't be real. You can't kiss me. Come on! you have lots of girl in this whole planet and you find me to kiss. That's not even possible. And now whatever happens forget it." Stella was shouting.

"Ok Stella just clam down. I don't know what happened to me from last night after we did a kiss. I can't stop thinking about you. I really don't know." I breathe out my eyes are on the floor. There is silence in whole room.

" I have to go harry. I hope you'll never see me again. Cause it's good for both of us." She grabbed her beg and run away.

I stood there like a idiot. It's the first time a girl ditched me who I like. It's something special. I just stayed numb cause I got no words to say. Hot blood running in my body. I take my jacket and leave Lucy's house. I started walking thinking that why she don't feel the way I feel. Suddenly I noticed Stella with a boy. As soon as possible I hide behind the tree and sneaking what are they doing. They're holding each other hands, the boy kissed her cheeks fuck. I can't stand here so I run back to my hotel..... FUCK WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME......

I'm back guys.....

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