Part 4

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Harry's POV

"Where is it? Ugghhhh why I'm so careless? Where I put that pen?" I was screaming my room. How can I lost it? My friend gift me that. It was special pen for me. God

"Harry what happen? Why you're screaming? Is something happened? Olivia asked me.

And yes Hi it's me Harry Styles. The Singer, One member of biggest boy band in this world which doesn't exist anymore and a Actor. And Olivia is my gf actually idk what to say about our relationship. Me and Olivia dating for a contract. Me and Olivia on a same movie which is going to release myb next year so the manager put us together into the "Relationship" And tbh I'm not looking for any relationship. Olivia is good woman but idk why I don't want to get close to her. But the contract will end soon.

"Nothing Olivia I just can't find one of my pen. Sorry if I disturb you." Said by me

"Harry it's just a pen you can buy the exact same pen again. You don't need to worry about it." Olivia said and I don't know why I get so angry after hearing this.

" It maybe nothing means to you but the pen was so much to me. My childhood friend gifted me that, she is not anymore in this world. I'm sorry for reacting this but you really pissed me off." Words just came out from my mouth and I grab my coat and leave the hotel. I didn't even hear what she was going to say. Today is the last day of 2021 and I'm so sad so I started walking on the street. It's 10:30pm and there's a lot of people on the street celebrating New Year. There is a lot of party going on house so I just get into one house. Idk who's house is this I just want a drink.

There's a party lights no spotlight and hardly see each other face, that means it's safe for me cause no one recognize me here. So I just get into and sit on the chair. Then suddenly my eyes catch on someone, someone who is sad, someone who wasn't excited like others, had a drink on her hands and she is walking on my way. I can't see her face but as soon as she came on my side I saw her. She is so pretty, and myb little bit hot but beautiful.

"Can I have one drink please?" She asked the waiter

"Here it is mam" the waiter replied her. She was standing and drinking so I just changed my voice little bit and asked her

"What's up missy? How you doin?"

"Not great actually. You know one thing New Year party is sucks. Idk why people find is so special." She replied, I must say she is cool dude or she is drunk.

"Actually I'm thinking the same thing. I mean it's just a year." I replied

"Yes you're right, it's just a year. Same shit again. Same fight, same family, same friend, old me and still alone. You know I got no one to kiss at midnight in New Year. This is sooooooooo GreAt." She said

She is quite funny and I can tell she is in a pain but....

"You know myb you can have a gf or already have but I don't have anyone. I really wished someone just love me like Jack you know Jack right?"

"Jack who?" I asked

"Jack from Titanic. Jack and Rose. Look it's 11:55 pm and after 5 min later I'll see everyone kissing. How stupid!!!""

" So you want kiss?" I asked

"Who doesn't want kiss?" She replied

"Btw what's your name?" I asked

"It's Stella like star" she replied

Before I replied everyone started counting the time for new year like 40,39,38,37,36,35 and my phone was ringing it's from Olivia. There is a contract that we have to kiss on New Year and post it on social media but honestly I don't want that. I'm really like having here with this stranger I mean Stella.

She turned around cause I know she don't want to see anyone kissing in somehow she was depressed about it.

5,4,3,2,1 HAPPY NEW YEAR...I just grabbed her waist and kiss her lips..... Shit.....

Happy new year everyone. I love you all have a great day ❤️

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