Part 13

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*Read it at your own risk*

Stella POV

The elevator opens. He grabbed my waist and pushed it to the door. He locked my both wrist. He started kissing me and my entire body. His face is faceing me now. His eyes met in my and I can tell his eyes showing his hunger for me.

"I want you, I want you so so bad. You're just driving me crazy since the day we met. I can't stop thinking about you" he explained looking down on my lips.

Words are not coming from my mouth but when I was about to say his lips meet with mine. Those rosy red, silky, soft lips and it's so warm. I couldn't lie but I'm so into the kiss and after few his tongue slide into mine. His tongue touching my every corner and a little moan came out from my mouth. His hand is roaming on my back.

"Ha-harry I don't lie but I want you as much as you want me" I speak out somehow, he stopped kissing me stared at me. His eyes and his curls so perfect. A minute later he smiled and his dimples pooped out. He started kissing on my neck while his hand is busy taking off my top. He finally throw the top somewhere in the room and he starting getting down on my body, first kissing neck, down to my breast, near to nipple lick it, getting down on my stomach fuck don't stop. Fuck he is still getting down kissing every inch on my body. When he kissed my stomach, I feel a  thunderstorm on it. 

"Harry can we go bed, I can't stand anymore" I really can't stand I'm already shaking.

"Sure princess" his voice o my god I can't take it. He carried me like a baby and put me down on bed. I'm half naked on the bed and he is looking at me. I feel little bit shy.

"Beautiful. So beautiful" as soon as the words leave his mouth, he is open his shirt and drops it on the floor. I can see his tattoos, all tattoos, his four nipples, the birds, the butterfly, his cross chain he is so perfect.

He started kissing me again. And his hand are on my skirt, he is unzipping it. He pulled down my skirt now I'm only left with my panties. He is looking in my eyes and his hand on my panties.

"May I?" He asked with a smirk. I just nod cause I'm too weak to respond. He pulled down my panties and I'm closing my eyes cause I feel nervous. He noticed my nervous on my face. Suddenly harry lips meet mine with a soft kiss.

"Princess you're so beautiful. You got nothing to be scared of and if you don't want this we can make it another time. I don't want you feel uncomfortable" I'm slowly opening my eyes but harry is already looking at me. I couldn't help but hugged him, my face on his shoulder holding him tight and whisper,"I want you now and I'm now comfortable with you." "You sure baby?" "Hmmm I'm so sure"  he is getting away and stand up for bringing condom but I stopped him. I pulled him by his waist now I'm sitting on the bed and he is standing on the floor.

"Let me help you get naked" I teased him. As soon as I said this I started making him naked. I already feel his hardness. I opened his belt, I unzipped his jeans and pulled down. I saw Calvin Klein boxer. I winked him before pulling down boxer. I take his length on my mouth I'm hearing his moans his hand on my hairs. He is making ponytails on it. I give me a good mind-blowing blow job. He quickly put me down, I'm laying on the bed watching him opening condom packet and adjust it on his dick. He kissed my forehead, "I'm gonna put it inside of you. If it hurts just stop me, okay baby?" "Just do it harry" Harry is inside of me now. In and out and every thrust hurts but it also gives me more pleasure. He is all sweating now he is thrusting so deeply moaning my name. He is sucking my necks I bet he loves leaving hickeys.

"Ha-harry I'm im cumming" "wait a minute baby, I'm also about to cum" harry is still thrusting me. "Harry I can't take it anymore" "let it go baby" we both came at the same time. I was holding harry so tight I'm all messy now. I have no energy to move. After 10 minutes and wake up from my side and goes to the tissue box for cleaning the mess. He put his boxers on and make me wear his shirt. Cause I'm feeling cold because of AC.

"Harry I want cuddles" I said with a childish voice. He pulled me to his chest and kisses my forehead.

"Sure love. Let's get some sleep. I know you're tired." I look up at him before sleeping give him a soft kiss and said goodnight to him .

Fuck I'm in love with HARRY.


Hi everyone. I'm sorry for posting so late. I've been so busy with the other stuff. Please forgive me, I'll try to active as possible as I can. I love you all so much.

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