CH 41

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You prepared a bath for the boy behind the house. "Boy, follow me." You gesture him and take him to the back. "The clothes are set aside. After your bath come to the front and call me." Your voice only held irritation, he simply nodded and you walked in.

You look at the horse, "Now you, I have no idea where I can place you." You sigh with troubling thoughts. "Have you treated your wounds?" A voice spoke. "Your highness, I beg you not to startle me when I feel I am all alone." You turn. "You have not treated your wounds yet. They will get infected, and then it will take a long time to heal. Later it may even lead to your death." He spoke looking at the horse. "Your highness, please do not scare me anymore. Do not walk out of this house without notifying me. Do you know how scared I was when I could not find you? What could be more near death experience than that?" You spew your thoughts and look at the prince. He simply looked at you in silence not knowing how to react to your response. It took a while for you to reciprocate what you said and clutch your mouth in terror.

"Your highness, I did not mean it that way." You try to take back what you said. "I only wanted to help you Y/n, after all it is my fault that we have ended up here. No one to help us. From your state in one month I could understand that you were loosing your sanity. I can not afford to loose you as well." His voice gently filled the silent atmosphere. You wanted to speak more, yet your alert mind did not wanted, acknowledging the presence of the boy around.

"Your highness, I will treat my wounds now. Please be seated in your room. If the boy comes to the front, ask him to sit on the ground." You spoke not looking at the prince and walked to in the bath area to prepare a bath.

Prince Jimin stood there staring at your back as you walk away. Neither of you ever wondered to be in this situation. Deep in his heart he apologized and accused himself for being born in to this world, which is cruel and crooked as well as burdened to all his kin. He wished that someone could end his life and have you and other maids in the palace who know him be left free. "Sir?" Jimin heard a meek voice. He turned and saw the boy wearing his clothes, keeping his eye level to the ground and waiting to receive command from his new master. "Wait here, let Y/n come and treat your wounds." He spoke and returned to his room. The boy sat on the dusty ground, waiting for you. He looked at the horse and spoke to it, "From now on let's live together." He greeted and so did the horse.

The wait was long. You came to the front door and saw the boy staring at the orange sky. "Boy come here." You called him and he responded your call through his actions. He winces once a while from the pain caused due to the application of the medicine and bandaging his wounds. "How did you get hurt?" You ask him as if you were not interested to know. "The landlord beat me up." he monotonously replied. "What did you do get beaten up like this?" 

"My father borrowed money from him to gamble. He never went to search for any work and then the landlord came asking for the money. Mother did not have any money, so his goons beat us. He sold my mother and two sisters to village head while his men dragged me to the village market to sell me." Tears poured out from the poor being. You held his hands in yours, "I guess you are lucky my lord took you from that evil landlord." a small and comforting smile on your lips. He nodded and wiped his tears. "How old are you?" You ask as you stand up. "Sixteen, miss." "Why do you stay here miss?" He suddenly questioned you. For a moment your heart jumped. You look at him a bit stern. "It seems that someone is interested to know what he mustn't." One of you brows cocked making him realize his mistake. "Forgive miss." He bowed his head and took a step back. "What is you name?" You asked as you stood up, dusting your clothes. "Hansoo." He lowly mumbled. "Sit here, I will get you some food after serving my lord."

That night after having dinner, you prepared a bed for the boy in your room. Prince Jimin did not have knowledge about this. When you were done preparing prince Jimin's bed, you called the boy and told him to sleep in your room. While the two of you were talking, prince Jimin had a hunch that you would share the room with the boy. Not sparing another moment, he walked in between your talk and told you that he wanted a private chat with you. He said how he was not interested with you sharing a room with the boy and insisted that you sleep in his room. Seeing how persistent he was, you shifted your futon to his room and started to accompany his sleep. 

Long Live The King 《《 PJM 》》# Wattys2019#Where stories live. Discover now