CH 3

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The afternoon sun was burning bright and scorching. She aimlessly dragged her body in the forest dwelling in the past. After a long walk she across a small cave to stay in. Without much thought she occupied it. With the emotional pain inflicted, she couldn't hold back from crying at the loss of her family. She was angry at Kira because she never had a thought of hurting Kira ever when they became friends at their academic institution. Though the school used to teach witchcrafts, unlike many other, Misuk never used the craft against the humanity. She learned it use it against those who inflicted negativity and curses on her family and the weak. When she came to learn about the King's distaste in witch craft, she stopped the use of it when her proposal was accepted by the royals . 

A week went by and she was in such trauma, that the thought of hunger never disturbed her. She had practiced fasting for a long time which also caused her not to think of hunger. One fine morning she got the urge to forget her past and to find a solution to save her son. She drew the necessary illustrations on the cave ground and started a bonfire before sitting done to search for answers.  

She began to meditate. Using her witchcraft to its maximum potential to find a way to save her son from the disease. Two days passed, so deep in meditation that she didn't move an inch from the same position. After a few more days, promptly she got a vision of a flower purple in colour found on a mountain. An inner voice spoke to her, "This flower is known as Sweet Sapel. It is said to cure all kind of diseases and very few people know of its properties. It blooms once in two decades, as per my knowledge this year it will bloom. Due to it rarity, I am sure that the flower will be available for you if you act immediately before it withers away. Before it is too late head to the hill close to the forest where you are staying. Hurry up sister." A sense of relief and joy transported in her body. Her eyes opened quickly with a mumbled, "Thank you Yuko."

It was dawn, when she removed her robe that indicated her identification, her jewellery and tore small piece of cloth of that robe to store the jewellery and hid it in her waste.  Not spending a single moment she walked out of the forest as fast as she could. Passing through the thick and tall trees, after a long walk out of the forest she finally reached the base of the hill. She could not believe what she saw. It was a beautiful greenery place. Without giving much thought she walked to the forest hill up. It was filled with many flowers, plants and trees. The morning was filled with the birds song that sat on the branches. The image of the flower appeared in her mind, setting immediately to search for it among the other flowers blossomed there. 

The search went on for hours and hours, it was such a tedious task that she hadn't noticed the passage of time till the time entered dusk. At one of the cliff of the hill, she got distracted with the beautiful scenario that she stood up to, the urge to forget what she came for and to sit and watch that beautiful view was really desirable. For a moment, she thought in the back of her mind that this would be an apt place for a couple to sit for their rendezvous. Away from all the worldly tension and the peace that it provided.

She wanted to have some peace for herself, but her baby's image alerted her. Forgetting the thought of peace, the search continued trying to cover the big hill all by herself but she just could not find it. She began to retreat to the base. It was hard for her, her hope was draining slowly. Midway she dropped on the ground, despair taking over. She knew she would anything to find that flower but couldn't help feeling the disappointment on herself for the inability to find the flower quickly to throw away her baby's burden. Tears filled her eyes as the happy memories with his majesty and her baby clouded her mind.

As she indulged in her despair, a boy saw her from afar. He questioned her presence and came close to her. In an instant she felt a tap on her shoulder. Pushing away her thoughts she turned. A small boy stood behind her. She painfully smiled at him, he returned it with a big and bright one. "Ma'am," He called her, " It is not safe to sit here on the hill at night." came a reply from this little boy. "Oh, is it?." She innocently questioned the little man's warning. "Yes, I have seen monsters here." He tried to scare her as she dusted off the grass from her dress. "Umm." The boy hesitated. "Are you lost ma'am?"

Long Live The King 《《 PJM 》》# Wattys2019#Where stories live. Discover now