CH 43

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You gracefully arranged the evening tea on the tray and entered his room, addressing him respectfully, "Your highness." Seating yourself adjacent to his table, you poured the tea, offering it to him. "Who was the man that visited?" you inquired, passing the cup into his hands. His attention shifted momentarily from the papers to meet your gaze. "He was a soldier from the palace," he answered, taking a contemplative sip of the tea. "So, Her Majesty sent the supplies?" you queried, a faint glimmer of joy present in your voice. "Yes," he confirmed, observing the smile forming on your lips as you glanced downward. 

Your heart leapt in gratitude. Finally, your prayers and letters had been heard. Your smile widened further. "I see," you acknowledged, redirecting your attention to Prince Jimin. "Did he convey any other news to you?" you probed. "Not much, everything seems to be going well for them," he responded, his tone touched by a sense of detachment. "They can carry on without me. There's not much that will change," he added, offering a tight smile while continuing to drink his tea.

Your expression faltered briefly, weighed down by the sadness of his words. Yet, you resolved to uplift his spirits. "No, your highness. They must miss you. Even in exile, we still receive provisions. In truth, exile does not define how we have to live—" Your attempt to console him was interrupted midway by his solemn interjection. "I know, Y/n. You need not explain," he expressed, meeting your eyes with a sorrowful gaze. "Someone like me, someone burdened by illness, is better suited to remain secluded in a distant corner of the world rather than be a burden to them," he concluded with a poignant remark.

"Your highness, You can not say that." You gasped at his remark. "His majesty loves you immensely. Although he hasn't shown it you, I have seen him worry about you every time you were struck with a fever. At night he used to check on your condition. The only reason I am here with you is because of his majesty. He assigned me to look after you till he finds a cure for you. Not only his majesty, but prince Taehyung as well admires you as his brother. I have heard from him how he wants to take you around the capital.  Her majesty as well loves you. She cares for you. She brings in every shaman possible to drive away any negativity around you. She prays to God for your better health. Sooner or later, his majesty will be able to find the cure for this." You encouraged him to not let his negative thoughts hurt him. 

"Y/n." He let out a long sigh. "They might be trying but I know, deep down I can feel that i don't have a cure for this illness." He took the last sip before handing the cup to you. "Unlike Taehyung, I can't even wield a sword. I don't know how to save anyone including myself at the edge of danger. Sometimes I feel my body so weak that I only wish to god that he would take my life." You could only look at him with pity and pain. "When Taehyung was attacked, that day the assassin seemed to aim me for the attack. I was too stunned and blank to do anything, even to move my weak body. It was Taehyung who pushed me and tried to stop the assassin from attacking me. In the hopes of protecting me, he was injured. As he fell, the assassin turned to me but even with the injury, Taehyung held on to the ankle of the assassin urging me to flee. Just when I started to call for help and heard a rush of footsteps coming to us. The assassin retracted his steps quickly with me drawing closer to Taehyung and taking him in my arms." He looked at me. 

"What more could I do? Not save myself. Put another's life in danger." He closed his eyes taking in a deep breath. "Everything will fall back in its place if you give it a bit more time." You spoke out. He opened his eyes looking at you with a tiny smiles playing on his face. "How can you be so sure?" He raised his brows with a smile. "I don't know how you are strong even in these situations." You smiled back, "I am your caretaker and I will be with you till the end of your days. A survivor always have to learn to survive than rely on negativity around them." "Also, I am not-" You decide to interrupt him. "Your highness." You called him to look at you. "It is time that we forget what happened in the past and try to improve now. One should remember the past to correct their mistakes and not regret and repeat. Instead on focusing on you miserable you are, imagine how you want them to perceive you when you return from the exile. Work on making that idea come true." You say that and stand up, "I shall bring in your food." Giving him sometime to reciprocate on your quotes.

The next day in the palace, the king continued to be in distress. It felt like nothing could give him peace. Although his son is married and has started to live a good life, he had a fear disturbing his mind that something would happen to Prince Jimin. Though he was to able to establish peace within the nation, he couldn't feel at peace. His palace seemed to have soared in chaos. All the miserable things were happening in his absence. 

He might have heard that prince Jimin tried to kill prince Taehyung but he didn't see the face of a murderer that day on prince Jimin. It was more of losing someone close to him. He has known both of them for their relation as serene siblings, though there were rifts between the two they would never turn to grab each other's neck. It's been years since the culprit of the murder of prince's lady in waiting was ever identified or caught. Though prince Jimin blamed prince Taehyung, it seemed like someone did it to turn the siblings against each other. "But why would someone want my kids want to loathe each other than making it deal with me." I have to make some time to meet Prince Jimin. Although he might be sent to exile, I cannot stay any longer from seeing his face.

The eunuch walked in to his majesty's chambers. "Your highness." His majesty broke away from his deep thoughts and looked at the eunuch. "Minister Kim, requests his presence." His majesty nodded to him. Minister Kim walked in, "Your majesty." He bowed. "What is the matter minister Kim?" Minister Kim looked very concerned at his majesty and replied, "Your majesty the king of Illsung has fallen ill. It is said that there is no chances for survival. His kingdom has started to have errupt in an uproar for the next claim of throne." He spoke. His majesty continued to listen, "As you know he has no sons, it is a clash between the ministers and the king's third cousin's son. The king has sent in a messenger that the decision on who should be his successor is his majesty's hands.  He wants your majesty to select the perfect monarch to continue the peace of the kingdom." His majesty understood the graveness of this situation and asked minister Kim to call an assemblance of his council.  

And so within a week his majesty became very busy with his internal affairs again. When his majesty decided to personally meet the king of Illsung, Prince Taehyung gave him an advice to bring in the chief royal physician, if he could do something for the betterment of the king. His majesty personally liked the thought about it and agreed with him. His majesty also asked Prince Taehyung to tag along to learn how good relations are maintained with the micro kingdoms of the empire. Before leaving on the mission with his father, he visited his mother for her blessings and asking her majesty to be the caretaker of his princess due to her pregnancy. His princess wished him to take care of his health in this harsh winter, which he smiled to acknowledge her blessings and he kissed her forehead to prove his care and longing for her. 

The palace fell silent again. Every day her majesty would visit the princess to check on her well being. It was one these days, her majesty came to hear a tip off from one of her maid. Her majesty didn't visit the princess that day and remained in her chambers. She asked the spy what the tip off was. "I have found what you had commanded, your majesty." A sharp yet soft feminine voice spoke before she bowed before her majesty again.  The queen's eyes grew wide glistening with curiosity, "What?" She couldn't believe her ears. "Did you really find it?" She asked her spy again to clarify if she had not misinterpreted it. "Yes, your majesty."  A heavy sigh left her lungs and she left so happy which she didn't show to her spy. "You shall have your reward." She nodded to her lady head, who then brought a sachet of gold coins and presented it to her majesty. Her majesty took it and threw at her spy, "Tell me everything, my nightingale." Her majesty gave a smirk to her little spy.


Hey guys,

The upcoming chapters will have a lot of years gap. I will moving to only write the imp details for this book here on. As i am not familiar with lots of love stuff, there won't be much fillers. Not much romance will be there but do pray to love gods to shower some ideas about romance between couples in my head, so that i can scribble them in the upcoming chapters.

Once again i am saying the upcoming chaps will be 3x fast forward version.

Love you all lots.

With Love,


Long Live The King 《《 PJM 》》# Wattys2019#Where stories live. Discover now