CH 47

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As you entered the pavement to Prince Taehyung's chamber, your steps came to an abrupt halt as a very beautiful, presentable and elegant girl like a princess came into your view. Completely smitten for a moment by the beauty that stood there. A small bump protruded the hanbok, it is when lightening struck you, Prince Taehyung's lady. You bowed immediately, "your highness." and stood up. A faint smile with the hint of confusion written all over her face. Before further you could proceed, a familiar cold yet commanding figure paved in; the queen mother. From afar she had the most dissatisfied reaction smudged on her face. Your head bowed instinctively. Why does she look irritated? Did I do something wrong? Wait. What can go wrong when I have arrived just last night. Why did she had to see me now? I did want to meet her alone, after everything that I tried to contact her majesty and never heard from her again. Thoughts flooded your mind with questions which were intended for her majesty in private but she appeared rather soon. In your current gesture; she stopped beside the princess, the bottom of her hanbok came to your view and bowed further low to her, "You majesty." 

With pure cold voice, "When did you arrive?" your eyes remained fixed on the ground, "Midnight, your majesty." answered in a soft and respectful voice. "Hmm." Hearing her hum, "Your majesty, who is she?" asked a very delicate voice, tinged with curiosity. "She is among my trusted attendants, dear." Her majesty's reply had you wondered why she said something as such. You were a lady in waiting as well as a maid for the Prince. "I had sent her to my family house to look after my ill sister in law." you dared to take a peek her majesty, saw queen mother smiling at the princess. The smile, however, vanished as quickly as it appeared, and the queen's gaze returned to you. Your eyes obediently returned to the ground as she dismissed you, "Go on with your work then." With another bow, you retreated, leaving the queen and the princess to continue their stroll, the echoes of their conversation lingering in the air.

As you strolled away, a curious impulse led you to steal a glance at the duo left behind. A subtle commentary escaped your lips, "Hmmm. It seems only the noble blood receives such tender care." A fleeting pout adorned your lips, expressing a hope that her majesty might cross paths with his highness, paving the way for a reasoned discussion on the prohibition of exile. She may be cold but she also has a loving side. Though my brain reasons that we were abandoned, my heart doesn't want to believe it. She cannot abandon her child even if he was adopted by his majesty, if the rumours are true. By the way, why didn't she tell the lady that I was Prince Jimin's maid? I mean isn't it alright since the princess has become a part of the royal family? Why should she be still unaware of his highness? Why make a whole different story?  With the question brewing your mind, you headed to the kitchen.

"You are supposed to add more honey to that dessert. It is doesn't even taste sweet." Miss Younji erupted in the kitchen, scolding her subordinates. "When will you be done with that sweet and sour beef? It is to serve this lunch not tomorrow. She is irritated it seems. "Miss Younji." She heard a familiar and a long heard voice call her name. In an instant she around with the irritated expression again. Her face surprised, mouth open slightly. Too shock to speak while you smiled widely. "Oh my god, Y/n." She rushed to you, took your hand in hers. "When did you come back? How are you doing?" She bombarded with questions. "You must be here for lunch?" Was her last question. 
"Too many question and I have only one answer." You sighed jokingly and she was a bit confused. "I am hungry." just then your stomach begged for some food to which she could only chuckle as she lightly patted your back and went to get you a plate. "Sit here and eat." She came back with a small plate of snacks and pointed to a small stool. "This is so little." You complained at the amount. She giggled and caressed your hair. "The lunch is not ready yet and there were only these leftovers from the morning." A small pout on your lips, you dug into the plate. She stood there smiling at you see gobbling the food. "You didn't answer my question, Y/n." She reminded you.

Long Live The King 《《 PJM 》》# Wattys2019#Where stories live. Discover now