CH 54

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You gasped, looking at him, "Your highness. This-" Prince Taehyung pulled your hand to place it. "You will need this tomorrow. Keep this with you all times. Hide it from anyone." His stoic face looked appeased. It confused you, A dagger? what for? To protect me? "But why this your highness?"

As Prince Jimin's chamber neared, his steps halted, your heart beats paced up fearing what he were to tell next. Fearful eyes fixed on him and with a dead expression which sent a chill down the spine, "You shall accompany my brother everywhere tomorrow. I give you two choices, either kill yourself or murder my brother tomorrow." The words shocked you, your lips agape.  Kill prince Jimin or myself? But why? "Your highness, what do you mean?" in disbelief you murmured, looking at his face for an explanation. 

"I meant what I said." He said to you before leaving you all alone to head back. Your hands trembled, "What am I being pushed too?" caused the dagger fall and for you to tumble down. "What is going on? Why did he say that I have to kill Prince Jimin." The ground felt like crumbling, as you tried to gather your emotions. "No. I will not do anything that prince Taehyung says. I have to hide it before anyone sees." you stuttered, gathered the fallen dagger and rushed to your room.

You flung the dagger onto your bed, gaze lingered on the given weapon, thoughts swirling as you tried to decipher the cryptic words of Prince Taehyung. "Is his highness in danger again? Is that what he meant?" Sinking onto the edge of the bed, your face buried in your hands, the weight of the prince's ominous message pressing down on you. "Banishing Master Jihoon...and then those words from prince Taehyung," you murmured, the implications sending shivers down your spine.

Replaying the conversation over and over in your mind. A hunch that those words held a hidden meaning, "What is he trying to tell me? Prince Taehyung would never mean to kill his highness. Was he trying to hint me to protect his highness? Did 'murder or kill' mean to protect? Did he say that when he realized there were spies on us. But I didn't feel anything." The trail of overthinking began. The hours slipped away unnoticed as you grappled with the uncertainty, your mind racing with possibilities. Eventually, exhaustion claimed you, and you collapsed onto the bed, the dagger forgotten beneath you. In the quiet of early morning, sleep finally found you, though your dreams were haunted by whispers of treachery and danger.

"Is Y/n awake?" Prince Jimin asked eunuch Shin, who was taking back the breakfast tray. "I shall check on her, your highness." he bowed. "She must be horrified and couped up in her bed." He murmured, eunuch picked that phrase before leaving. Eunuch Shin felt bad for you, he saw how prince Jimin too concerned over you. He came back and checked on you, still asleep, "Y/n wake up." He shook your body slightly to wake you up, eyes fluttered as you sat up, rubbing them. A blurry vision of eunuch Shin came, "Eunuch Shin, why are you here?" 

"Y/n, the sun rose up long ago and you are still sleeping." He complained, your eyes shot wide, "Oh my." Your hand covered your mouth as you felt the dagger pock your back and eunuch Shin was in the room. "What happened?" he tried to enquire your scared face. "Nothing." an immediate reply. "You can head out now, I will be ready quickly." you smiled at him trying to cover up your fear. He didn't let his suspicion catch you, simply agreed and left. Steps pacing here and there to find the right place to hide the dagger. A maid caught with something like this is very dangerous. "I'm sure prince Jimin will get attacked today, so I need to stay with him." you mumbled. 

Eventually your mind settled to hide it under your clothes in the luggage and ran to do your morning routine. Meanwhile in prince's chamber, eunuch Shin was getting another kind of treatment. "Why did you wake her up?" His highness scolded the eunuch. "Your highness, she is a lady in waiting and is required to serve you. Your highness can command her to stay back here when your highness leave in the late morning." Shin replied back reminding prince what you were. "But she wouldn't listen." prince Jimin shook his head in denial. "Your highness-" prince interrupted him, "I don't see her as my maid, eunuch Shin. It is true she does her maidly duties but in my perception she is the most reliable and trusted friend I could have in this confined palace. Unlike all those maids and eunuchs, she is the only one who truly understands and support me." He argued. Which is why we even fought over the fact that I don't act as a prince and coddle her.

Long Live The King 《《 PJM 》》# Wattys2019#Where stories live. Discover now