CH 56

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He could still recollected how the first maid out of his caretakers had tried to kill him in his sickness at the age of seven, especially his father's seething expression. It was the same expression that his majesty had when prince was attacked second time by his second maid. He knew his father wouldn't let you escape his clutches so quickly. 

When he had thought you were saved but only to realize later he never did save you in the first place. His thoughts to explain the situation to his father was quite a debate in his mind, it was no easy matter to have his father understand something who has already made a decision. For sure he had acted like an ignorant brat for some situation, but when it came to him, his majesty wouldn't accept another thought. Think Jimin! Think! You can't let die like this!!

"We need to do something eunuch Shin." his hands massaged his head. Eunuch Shin simply stared at the prince, wondering what could the prince think. As he tried to brainstorm his mind, a picture of Hansoo came in mind. His hands stopped massaging, Yes! We could escape to that house and then later to another house with Hansoo as well. Why didn't I think about it?! This is a brilliant idea. "Your highness, nothing can be done." Eunuch Shin brought him back to earth. Prince Jimin was puzzled at the sentence. "What do you mean?" 

"His majesty has already made the arrangements and doctor Kim was commanded to report first his majesty about Y/n's recovery." Prince Jimin couldn't believe it anymore. He had to act quickly but then a sudden realization hit him, he needed to calm down. He felt a feeling that eunuch Shin was involved with his father and that he only looked after his highness' needs to predict his highness' moves and report them to his majesty "I see." he thoughtfully uttered loud enough for the eunuch to hear. I need to make a plan with physician Kim to escape here. Eunuch Shin must be avoided at all cost.

"Take the meal." prince stood up from his seat and headed to the medical compound. His highness pushed the curtain aside. Physician Kim was checking your eyes, he acknowledged the presence of the prince with a simple bow, prince Jimin ignored it and stood next to your body. "How is she doing?" He asked him in all seriousness. "Your highness, her condition is stable yet she is not responsive enough." the prince sighed and turned to Mr.Kim. "Physician Kim." he called out for the man's attention who was busy looking at the herbs that could be used to help you. "Your highness." he turned to face the prince. "I need your help desperately." he bowed his head. Mr.Kim was shocked again to see him bow, "your highness." he called for the prince to straighten up. 

"I am well aware, father has asked you to report him about Y/n's recovery." Mr.Kim was slightly taken aback by revelation. "Your highness-" prince cut him, anxiously spilling out his fear with his next words, "I want her alive. There is no life for me without her. I don't know why but when I think about not having her around anymore, panic forces to settle in my soul. It is harder for me to imagine my life without Y/n than it was with Yubin. Y/n, is the most important person for me now. This feeling of being incompetent wretches my gut, for I am not able to protect something that is so crucial for me. There is this constant reminder in my mind, without Y/n my life is nothing and not worth living and that I must end my life with her." Physician Kim looked at the bewildering prince who could go insane any moment. He could perceive the prince's argument. "There is no one else in this palace who could comprehend my worries and sorrows unlike you. Therefore I am seeking you to be my knight in shinning armor and protect me. Lend me a helping hand to protect the one I cherish." His eyes pleaded to the physician. He could only trust this man and none. 

"Your highness,-" even before he could even procure a word from Mr.Kim, the prince interrupted him, "Physician Kim, I know my father's wrath but I am very sure you know him more than I do, it is known within the palace that my father once sets his mind on something he will take it and that is how this empire has begun to even expand further. I need to escape with Y/n as soon as possible." finishing his spiraling thoughts. Mr. Kim gulped at his plea, "Your highness, this is a very risky move to escape his majesty, let alone this palace. It is true that his majesty had commanded me but I am confound as how did you come to know about it." He faced the prince properly. "Eunuch Shin told me about it." the prince innocently answered. Mr. Kim's exchanged glances between his highness and your body and turned serious with a deep sigh. 

Long Live The King 《《 PJM 》》# Wattys2019#Where stories live. Discover now