CH 45

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Two Days Later........

The arrival of spring season was a auspicious time for the village. The village was booming with its agricultural production. After the heavy winter, things seemed to get better for everyone. Everyday, his highness and you would go for a stroll in the evening. The villagers slowly started to recognize the both of you as a part of them. They respected Prince Jimin with so much adoration. The village kids always made him sit under a tree and narrate them some moral value stories of the brave men. In the mean time, you would sit and talk about anything with Eunha. Day by day she seemed interested to discuss about Prince Jimin with you than anything else. She do be asking about his family, childhood, reason to settle here and so on. As a good girl you lied about everything from name to his life. You got a wind about her interest in his highness and you didn't want to burst the bubble she was trying to live in.

Today was like no other day until, "Y/n." She called you while you were plucking some beautiful flowers from the near by bushes. You looked up to her and like a shy little girl, with her hands behind the body and lightly swinging her body she asked, "Do you think Ryung sunbae and I would make a good match for each other?" your eyes furrow with a small smile. You turned to her, "I am not sure about that." You shook your head. "Why?" She seemed a little shook by your answer. Your eyes looked at the sunset wondering how to answer that question. The silence continued for a while and Eunha stood next to you. "Understanding and communicating to each other is what I think will make a couple good match for each other." You looked back at her, "If you think you can do that with lord Ryung then nothing can stop the two of you from living together." A smile drew on your lips. She understood that she should take more time to understand his highness rather than drawing conclusions quickly on her butterfly feelings. "I mean Ryung sunbae is from a noble family just like me. So I am sure it wouldn't be problem for his family. After all my father is the minister to emperor which can help him secure a position in the emperor's council. Don't you think so?" She asked for assurance.

"Hmmm. If he is really wants a position in the council then I do think it will be a great match for the two families too." You agreed. "But then after our marriage where will you go?" She asked. You smiled widely, "Either I will be allowed to go back to my family or I shall continue to work for his parents." She looked with a pout. "But I want you with us. You can be my lady in waiting." She wanted you to persuade her idea. A laugh escaped your lips. "I am not sure about that." "No, I really mean it. I would love to have you as my lady in waiting. We don't know what his family is like and how they prefer to do things. If you would be there I will surely be able to do gather myself up in times of need. After all I will be away from my family and I will have no one to give me the courage to get accepted in the new family." You simply smiled. "Lord's family is very sweet and caring. I am very sure you will be well adjusted in the family without my help. Your eyes expressed a emotion of missing your family. "But I would really want to meet my family and stay with them." However you also had the thought to get back and live your life with Master Jihoon once Prince Jimin had settled.

"Of course you will." an affirming male voice interrupted the two of you. Your eyes shift to the direction of its source. It was Prince Jimin. "Your highness." Both of you wondered if he had heard the conversation. Eunha took this chance to change the subject, "Ryung sunbae." she called him to give her the focus. "Is the lesson over?" She asked politely yet hurried. Prince Jimin turned to her, "Yes. Just now." He smiled at her. Eunha had a very blushful expression saying that she couldn't contain her excitement. You wanted to chuckle but then her expression reminded you about someone who you have been trying to forget and were almost successful but not anymore. Prince Jimin saw your smiling at Eunha. He wondered what you were smiling so much for. "Y/n, lets head home." Prince Jimin called your attention. "Eunha-shi we will walk you to your house." His highness asked Eunha to join as well. "Thank you Ryung sunabe." She bowed her head to him. On the way to her home, all Eunha could do was ask his highness about things and discuss with him where as you were appeared lifeless outside and deep inside you were very busy reminiscing the time master Jihoon spent with you. Slowly you started to fall behind the other two. His highness sensed you not keeping up with the pace so he called out for you. You didn't hear him.

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