CH 59

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Behind their in, two men on their horses stood. "Hey Majoo! Don't you think we are acting hastily?" whispered to the man as he climbed down his horse. "No, this is the right moment. If we do it now, all the evidence that would make the murder look suspicious will be washed away by the rain." The other replied as he got down. "Did you make sure to give him which one he was supposed to eat?" he asked the first guy. "Sure, he must have eaten it by now. I did tell him specifically which one was for him."

"Or else we can just kill him and then take the girl with us and sell her to those palace guys, we can earn some extra." Majoo let out a quiet laugh. The other only stared at him, "No. We are here to kill them." The first guy replied. "Tch. You are literally no fun." the guy said as he climbed the compound wall and got in. The other one didn't wait and followed him right up.

"I will go check the prince and his maid while you kill the boy." Majoo commanded the other. The other guy tip toed and walked passed the bedroom the two of you were in. He only heard a few shuffles and then your shout.

"Hansoo! Hansoo!" you called for the boy to bring the water but no reply came. "Hansoo! Come here quickly." you cried out loud. The door slid and in came a tall man who wore a black soldier dress with a sword, his face covered. Your confused eyes met his confident black eyes. "Who are you?" Your panicky voice shouted at him while you tried to have prince Jimin sit up. He knew that prince Jimin would not wake up and it was easy for him to finish you off. The man swung his sword to attack on you when you blocked his swing with the wooden fan near by and kicked him in the stomach. Throwing the broken fan, you groaned in pain, one hand clutching on the wound. The man got back and took the opportunity to finish you with one swing. Your body could hardly stand from the pain, but that didn't let you hinder to throw all the hard objects in the room on him. The man only dodged them. Who the heck is this guy? Why is he attacking us?

On the other hand, the first guy walked passed the rooms and went straight to kill the servant boy. As he entered the kitchen, before the sword was pulled from its cover, the servant boy's dead body was found beside the burning stone stove. The boy had blood shot eyes with blood streamed down his nose, lips and ears. "Tch." the man clicked his tongue. He fed it to this boy. He must have consumed the other one.

Even with the heavy lids and blurred vision, prince Jimin saw a completely covered man trying to attack you while you dodged it every time. Who is this man? He looks familiar, is it travel guard. Ugh! I am feeling so sleepy. I should help Y/n. Why is he trying to kill Y/n? Stop the man. Stop. Majoo had swung the sword several times at you only to be ducked or barely escape, however last one scathed your left arm. Your free hand clutched on the new wound. Majoo was over the moon, with the thought that he made you motionless.

"What do you want, you bastard?" you shouted at him with glaring and painful eyes. "Really? you could only make that your last words?" his right eye cocked at you while your jaw clenched, I need to block his chi and strike him. He must be sent by that Guangzhi man to kill his highness. He must know that the his highness is unconscious and is not required to be killed. His hands brought the sword up to slash your body, and you waited for the right opportunity to attack his pressure points as his swing, however to both of their surprise, the drowsy and weak prince Jimin obstructed in front of you, the sword slashed his clothes and chest.

"Your highness." you shouted as his body fell on you. "Tsk. Missed again. I need to improve." Just then the other guy entered the room. "What is taking you so long?" the guy shouted at Majoo. "Look what we have." he mocked at the prince. You tried to put pressure on the cut to stop its bleeding. "Why are you doing this?" A shout erupted from you. It felt like God was playing a game with you, killing everyone close to you after being given a second chance. "We were ordered to do." he replied. The other man walked in, "Stop playing and finish quickly." he commanded. Your brows furrowed, "He hasn't harmed anyone." Majoo cocked his brow again, "This is not about him but you." He pointed his sword to you. His eyes moved to the bleeding body of his highness, "He will die soon. So I need to kill you." Your jaw clenched while you tried to stop the bleeding but couldn't. I need to get out of here quickly. His highness is bleeding profusely and my wound is stings and tightens every time I duck.  You gently laid his highness on the floor. 

Long Live The King 《《 PJM 》》# Wattys2019#Where stories live. Discover now